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dimanche, octobre 16 ' 14:18

omigosh. mei i love u so much. u're the best ever =) thankew for always being there to lend a listening ear, and for SUAN-ING ME. grrr. (: u'll always be in my heart =) sweetener xD not gonna see u that often nx yr already. really regret not spending enuff time wif u last time. nvm i'll be back in nh and train u and the rest until u get BUC kae? (:

happy 2 yrs laogong (: there are so many things i wish to tell u.. im not sure if u'll read this, but i just want to let u know i really miss the times we used to have together.. all the smiles and tears. the times when i was touched to tears.. the one and only time we went to watch a movie together.. the times when i went to ur house and played wif ur dog.. and saw how happy u were wif fatso and rusky (: the times we stayed back together just to talk.. to study.. until sch closed. den we'd either make our way back home together or wait till ur grandpa fetches u home. the times we cracked super lame jokes together and laughed like crazy.. the first time i held ur hand and made u feel super loved (: two yrs ago. and the times we drifted apart.. further and further apart.. the many many times i hurt u.. the times u felt helpless and the times i was being sucha bitch. im truly sorry for all the pain. 'sorry' cant help, so i just hope to let u know u'll still be part of me, always and ever. thankew for everything. =) laogong loves laopo eh? <3

stead. time flies. it's already the 4th year since we've first known each other =) sorry for making u endure all the stupid crap i used to say/do. and thanks for being there no matter wat =) thankew for the sweet stuff u've done for me.. when i had sore throat, u actually got me honey, asked ur mum for those remedy tingy.. and the sweet valentine's gift and note this yr. =D haha. thankew so much! (: (: keep in touch kae? i guess we wont go to the same jc ba. watever it is, just stay happy! =) i'll always be around to sing songs for u when u feel like listening =D and be there for crack stupid jokes about --- =D take care (: (:

sun! u're sucha nice person xD i've told u everything i wanted to say in the letter alr (: just continue to shine brightly and dont forget im omnipotent =p anytime, anywhere. just for you. =) take care! (: (: must keep in contact hor. if not i'll kill u =D

VICTIM! =D u've been sucha fun person to be wif. (: all the times i've SE-ed u. hahaa. blah i forgot to SE u yday! grrr. lol. thankew for being there to help me relieve stress =p lol everyth's so fun wif u around =D lol i promise not to be so SE anymore, before stupid water starts to drown me ): haha. hopefully u'll be happy!! :) we MUST continue talking kae? (: if not i'll start SE-ing you and water will get angry HAHAH =D go nj wif me! =D ok we'll see how kae? (: (:

thanks to all the people who haf crossed my path. everyone in 4/3 la. eil dont be jealous i didnt write about u. wanted to, but dont know what else to write. told u everyth i wanted to say alr =) pl and bev too =D take care ppl :) blah will miss saying all those nonsense to yuting and other ppl ): ):

np ppl (: very nice xD my own squadmates.. (: blah. no more sebastian daddy for me to bully =x no more sean's lame shit. no more joanna's tomato face xD no more nicholas' bullshit. no more tzeling's sleepy face.. no more everything la! ): blah. thankew for all the wonderful memories (: both ncosquado5 and sec3squado5 =D

thankew all teachers for their wonderful teaching =) Mr chow, thanks for all the help, care and concern! =D thanks Miss Chan for always bickering wif me and making lessons more interesting. =D thanks to Mrs Tan S.S for all the sweet stuff u've done for allamanda (: and the rest. everyone.

nh brings rather beautiful memories. the ppl.. argh will miss the canteen food ): its pretty nice ok. no more barley seeds ): rarrrh. and i'll miss the westernfood stall's auntie. ): rarrrh.

will miss the tortoises in the sch pond. and i love the ecogarden! =D blah will miss walking into the sch wif wendy everyday. blah. will miss the times i spent wif np ppl outside np room after school..

all these memories will always stay with me.

to you: i know you're definitely not reading this, but whatever it is.. thanks for making me learn so much from you. i've become a better person after all that you've given me. haha. blessing in disguise eh? thanks a lot. really. =) hopefully everyth'll be fine for you. keep in touch if we can. thankew for the 24/7.

ok. thats it i guess.

let's go somewhere only you & i know.


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feel free to read & tag! (:


About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • mebbe she's looking at things with a more positive...
  • perhaps everything doesnt seem the way they are..w...
  • gosh. i swear nj is fun =D at least the image nj p...
  • Ah. Wanyi will miss nanhua quite a lot. QUITE. =) ...
  • take care my dear mei :) get well soon kae? =D don...
  • blah thankew to all the nice people who made me sm...
  • darling =Dbu shi ni de cuo! :) -muack-and i'll alw...
  • darling i'm so sorry. blah i should have just left...
  • ...........
  • 'r u fucking sure that ure fucking fine?or r u fuc...

  • Connections
