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dimanche, janvier 22 ' 12:02

ahhha (: now i realise HOW TOUGH IT IS to give tuition. sighh (: but its fun! :D a form of challenge lah. the teacher must understand what the student is thinking every time he attempts questions (: only then will the teacher be able to correct the student's mistakes and help him improve :) hee. it was damn encouraging for both of us (me and my student) when he finally knew how to do that question la! omigosh. :D and that's how we moved on to the next question happily. hee (:

yesterday was absolutely fabulous can (: ahh darling. ur frens are really nice :D weeeets and u're damn pro la :D bet my parents love you like crazy now (: weeeeets. and i didnt even get scolded! weeeets give u your reward later :D hahaha jia you for ur watever performance later lah (: u hardly told me anyth abt it can. hmph :D

sigh. it's gonna be bg's bday on tues, tyt's bday on wed, sis's bday + our 6th mth on satuday! (: damn. and i still dunno what to get :( sighhhhhhhhhhhhh SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME! but yea, i need MONEY. lol still damn unhappy that i got scammed of more than 40bucks laH! rarrrrh :( that also means minimal spending on FOOD next weeek :( sigh.

i'm sooo excited about next week (: bet it's gonna be ultra fun :D
monday- school + hunt for prezzies
tuesday- school + mebbe go for some stupid cca + tuition at night
wednesday- school + mebbe np? or cca. go out with darling? :)
thursday- school + OG outing/ np (:
friday- CELEBRATION for CNY! and of coz go out wif darling :D weeeets
sat- sian. either go out together or stay at home and slack :( sigh
sunday mon tues- IT'S GONNA BE LIKE SHIT. ROT AT HOME :( unless our class goes to doraemon's house to play :D hahaa. who wants to bai nian? :D get ang baos from me and kenneth =p

ah i just love you so

let's go somewhere only you & i know.


you're in wanyi's blog!
feel free to read & tag! (:


About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • Grow Old With YouAdam SandlerGrow old with youI wa...
  • slack day :D omigosh i wanted to faint during econ...
  • when will i ever stop being an ass (: (: (: (: (:s...
  • close behindwhy is it that things often dont go yo...
  • OMIGOSH. SUN! (((((: ah im gonna msg u later xD i ...
  • heh :D i went to jason's house today! :D to give h...
  • ah (: one week zoomed past just like that. :( whic...
  • ah :D it was fun today! =) at least i was in a pre...
  • oh wth. (: i give nj two weeks to change my mind :...

  • Connections
