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samedi, février 11 ' 22:25

damn this week (:

k lets think about happier stuff (: its gonna be valentine's day next tues! :D hee. so excited laa :D can finally prepare stufff tml (: and im finally spending time with my family ONLY tomorrow =) mon np. tues vday. wed np.got tuition and i totally forgot about it. thurs np fri np sat np. omigosh. NP NP NP. ahhhh sunday? bet we're not gonna go out again. so nehmind

SO WATS THE CONCLUSION? ONLY TUESDAY IS A GOOD DAY NEXT WEEK. COZ I'LL BE SO BUSY WITH OTHER STUFF NEXT WEEK. plus we may not even be meeting other than tues itself. wth

cc team, continue to jia you! (: ur timing is improving a lot =) i'll go down and take a look kae (:

i screwed everything up

k anyway I DIDNT PLAY DRUMS IN THE END ): only mahjonggg hahaha and daideee (: bad luck bad luck. hahaha nehmind :D nx time ba..

so what if i dont stay in nj..

nehmind just keep in touch :) hee. makes sense? and i'll rot my two yrs away


let's go somewhere only you & i know.


you're in wanyi's blog!
feel free to read & tag! (:


About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • ARGH. its friday tml! exciting and scary la =\ dar...
  • sometimessssssssssLETTING GO SEEMS HARD (: hahahaa...
  • HELLO (:BYEBYE :Dah im just so bored x)
  • anythinggggggggggggggggggg hahaha
  • ah. 99th post (: a few mths old blog :D hee. happp...
  • tyt, please read the previous entry k =) love-ahhh...
  • i didnt want to blog at first. but there's sth i w...
  • i didnt want to blog at first. but there's sth i w...
  • wat a day. sigh. and the consecutive two days. no ...
  • HEH (: omigosh GUESS WHAT DAY IT IS TODAY! blah :D...

  • Connections
