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mardi, mars 21 ' 22:10

i reli wanted to vent all my frustrations here, but i felt much bettter after watching tv (: hmm.

darling please dont be lidat already k? :) smile. iloveyou =) will always be there for you okie? :D no worries :D really =)

hmm many ppl's bdays coming up. die la. =\ sigh. no money to buy prezzies for them! ahhh. =( hmm

happy bday to aaron (elmo) and ben chong (bunny) ! =) hope u two enjoyed urselves.

oh sry s14 for not going for the gathering today.. hmm busy (: hahah the usual reason x) next time la k =) no worries i wont forget u all de :) haha

oh anyway rite. we had this damn fun talk at 2.15 today. damn fun! x) but i left halfway la. busy mah =) hmm. so interesting. the speaker is damn good x) at least she managed to make everyone laugh like shit hahaha x) hope i get a chance to attend her talks again next time. OH IF ONLY SHE'S OUR LECTURER HUH HUH HUH. den lectures wud be FRIGGING FUN X) hahaha

i love YOU. and i dont want you to change at all (: not at all. i love everything about you, so dont hope that u're not urself, if not i wont love u anymore (: cheer up my dearest (: i hate to make u upset or see u upset =(

you & me = forever

let's go somewhere only you & i know.


you're in wanyi's blog!
feel free to read & tag! (:


About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • hmm day1 in sch is pretty fine.. surrounded by RV-...
  • ah x) my blog's finally working again =) hahadarli...
  • caught a cold. zzz still sneezing every now and th...
  • hehe tiring day! x) woke up at 6.30am AGAIN. and ...
  • girls love this ..mostt gurlz luv dis wen d boys.....
  • ah im feeling more and more tired everyday =x zzz ...
  • i feel like blogging but i dont know what to say (...
  • wo bu yaotyt DONT MISS ME :) must smile ok? x) im ...
  • ah everyth's so screwed up la x( idiotahh jen x) i...
  • ahhh ppl dont miss me so much la x) i noe im damn ...

  • Connections
