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mardi, avril 11 ' 22:30

bad day. i seriously dislike aj pe. nothing's worse than that kinda torture =( super tiring can. I CANT WAIT FOR STUPID NAPFA TO BE OVER. and i dont understand how come my legs turned so jelly after 2 stupid rounds today =\ or issit just the practice jumps =\ terrible can. ahhhh mr chin tortured us =\ k la i dont mind this kinda ting if i can jump >190cm :D heee that's ard 25% more than my height :D heee

ah darling i just love u so much =) its so scary seeing ppl ard me have their loved ones and friends leaving them. so u cannot ever leave me k? =) i noe i've said this a zillion times but i'll never stop saying until the day we die =) -hugs- <3

let's go somewhere only you & i know.


you're in wanyi's blog!
feel free to read & tag! (:


About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • bad month. like a few ppl ard me (indirect relatio...
  • -munches on my 10 COUrSE meal- rarrrh. x)haha i sh...
  • ah this week has been so tiring. have been standin...
  • im sorry i screwed it up again. like AGAIN. for th...
  • oh happy happy 8months3days16hrs45mins :D hahaha l...
  • ah i had a very very good day =) hehehe. i was sic...
  • ahhH! noe wat? i cant stop being damn excited abou...
  • hahaha (: GUESS WAT. I HAD A PRETTY WEEEK! x) abso...
  • ahh (: hope stan gets into finals for talentime. h...
  • rarrrh. im getting very tired and all.. prob coz i...

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