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dimanche, mai 14 ' 16:19

"I, (Name),
Take you, (Name),
To be my (wife/husband);
To have and to hold,
From this day forward,
For better, for worse,
For richer, for poorer,
In sickness and in health,
To love and to cherish,
'Till death do us part." (or, "As long as we both shall live.")

its super ironical that all married couples go through this (exchanging of vows) but the worldwide divorce rate has been increasing tremendously.. was watching money not enough, a film by Jack Neo which is screened in cinemas years ago. In the film, Jack Neo's wife left him when he resigned and had a huge debt that he was unable to settle. And that was the darkest times of his life.

That's only ONE particular case, but i'm sure there are zillion other similar cases happening almost everyday. then why on earth did they vow in the first place? nonsense people. sigh. this is what happens when people become materialistic, realistic and practical. haha.

So women leave their husbands when they go bankrupt. What about the males? hahahaha

THEY DONT LEAVE THEIR WIVES, BUT THEY FOOL AROUND. k not the whole male population, but im pretty sure AT LEAST 30% of the population? hehe thats too lil thou =p i expected more. hmm before marriage, they promised to take care of them for the rest of their lives, they want kids, dont mind whether they maintain the hour-glass figure... blahblah. AND after the wife gives birth, the husband suddenly has a change of mind, and get some other younger hot babe, probably someone who wants to scam his money. -.-

sounds damn stereotypical, but thats what's happening in this modern society! haha. people dont seem to have a mind of their own, they see and they follow, be it good or bad stuff. how smart :D

heee i better start doing my work.. looks like i need to catch up on lots of stuff! summation of series tut, chemical energetics tut, study for chem bonding.. econs essay! hmm.. stupid gp commentaries.. =\ WHAT ELSE. oh sheesh dynamics tut. i dont know how to do! hehe shall just slack ard during phy =p mug during holidays =p

wat a marvellous start of the weeek :)

ILOVEYOU! :)) tuesday kuai dian lai! :) cant wait to see you again =)

let's go somewhere only you & i know.


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About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

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  • naruto movie 2 is nice :) at least it grabs 99% of...
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  • -munchmunch- die ive been eating LOTS of oreo :D h...
  • no worries winni x) im not that stressed yet :Dsig...
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  • its the 166th entry. sounds like some odd number, ...
  • my love + your love = our love (irreversible react...
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