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vendredi, mai 26 ' 14:09

LOL wats the big deal about spermo -.- haha!

eh omigosh i just saw this damn gross website. about a gang inflicting physical pain on themselves =\ all the piercing.. tongue splitting and all the nonsense. =
in sch now! and the class is making super lots of noise -.- just a few ppl onli and its damn dman noisy haha! -faints-

and yvonne refuses to let me take a photo of her! =( so i cannot show u all how alike the cat and yvonne are! haha!

lalala im so tired! and im not going cedar to take a walk le =( coz its getting a lil late and im meeting sweetheart soon! haha! wat a random day (: im feeling good somehow, except for the splitting headache that's almost killing me haha!

i realised life is just so cool.. (: when u want to enjoy it, u will definitely enjoy it :D haha! heard lots of stuff from frens, and learnt pretty much from them! (for this week la) and i realised how much fun i've been missing! hahaha oh wells.

im still in a good mood. lalala

and who is kokeehc? seems damn familiar but i cant rem =x sorry!

my neck hurts! -.-

hahah this entry seems quite long hahaha and the teacher just scolded us for being too noisy =\ -dies- i didnt contribute to the noise level anw (: just the sound of the keyboard being pressed by my gentle cute fingers hehehe

k im in a good mood rite. its damn obvious! haha!

but im damn tired and got tuition tml =( and i hafen reli prepared. sian! rarrh!


mebbe coz its the end of sch term! HOLIDAYS! wooots k nothing nice abt it except that i can meet darling more often and dont need wake up early everyday! wooots time flies k. im gonna take A's soon! sheesh hhaaha!

oh happy happy wanyi :D

lalala cant wait to meet darling :D haha! blah k enuff of this long long post. ahahaa


let's go somewhere only you & i know.


you're in wanyi's blog!
feel free to read & tag! (:


About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • oh my gosh! this smile looks like yvonne's smile! ...
  • yay! another happy happy day =) haha! exercised to...
  • ah wat a good day :D chem spa shud haf been quite ...
  • haha! read this national geographic article on lov...
  • i miss you sowe hafen been spending much time toge...
  • rarrh IM DAMN TIRED. zzz this week seemed so long....
  • lalala :Dthe stars finally shone tonighthad such a...
  • oh my.. my life has been in a mess since 3 days ag...
  • oh my.. my life has been in a mess since 3 days ag...
  • sunny! dont force me to do wat i dowan to do =( ho...

  • Connections
