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dimanche, juin 25 ' 20:01

what guys will tell girls x)
*1. We're not as pervert as you think we allare.
*2. No matter what YOU say, your ex-boyfriendIS a LOSER.
*3. We like you to give us hugs and kissessometimes too.
*4. Don't argue with us when we call youbeautiful.
*5. Don't treat us like crap, what goesaround comes around.
*6. We know you're pretty, that's one ofthe reason's we're going out with you.
*7. Don't go into detail about your period.It scares us.
*8. If you have cramps and we ask youwhat's wrong, just tell us it's that time of themonth and nothing more.
*9. If you really liked us for us, you wouldlet us think that our mustache, beard, orsideburns looked cool.
*10. We never shave our legs. So getover it.
*11. NEVER ask us if you can put makeupon us. It's just wrong.
*12. Don't make bets about us, becauseone of your friends will tell us, if you don't.
*13. When we tell you that you're not fat,believe us.
*14. We absolutely do not care about theBackstreet Boys, *NSYNC, 98 Degrees,B5, orwhat any other guy looks like for that matter.
*15. We may not be able to pee accurately allof the time, but at least we can stand up and go pee.
*16. Just cause you think you're always right,doesn't mean that you don't have to apologizewhen you do something "wrong."
*17. You expect us to say and do sweet thingsfor you, but it would be nice if you did the sameevery once in a while. We like to know that youloveus.
*18. We can't always be spontaneous, so tryto help us make the plans sometimes.
*19. Don't ask us to beat up another guy foryou, cause you might get what you wish for.
* 20. Never kick us in the nuts "just to seewhat we would say". That's just mean.
*21. Never pretend like you are going to breakup with us and laugh when we believe you.
*22. Pamela Anderson's breasts aren't fakeanymore, but we like yours better anyway.
*23. Size doesn't matter, except to idiots whodon't want a relationship.
*24. PMS is not an excuse.
*25. If you want us to put the seat down whenwe're done, you should put it up whenyou're done.
*26 Don't tell us how cute your ex-boyfriendwas.That doesn't turn us on.
*27. And always remember: The way to a guysheart is through his stomach..... and maybe....oh nevermind.
*28. NEVER ask us to kiss other guys. You might be that comfy with your friends, but to us it'sjust wrong.
*29. We always notice how funny it is after your rip out our heart, stick it down our throat andstill want to be friends.
*30. And last but not least: We know you're not always right, but we'll pretend like you are anyway.

let's go somewhere only you & i know.


you're in wanyi's blog!
feel free to read & tag! (:


About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • every time i get upset with you, i'll think of the...
  • woohoooo its my 200th entry :D there's nth much fo...
  • ok moodswing over.. feeling much better :Dblah had...
  • MESSSSSSSYim not studying at all =( gonna fail all...
  • nice skin right =) heheanyway ive been studying AN...
  • ahhh im so bored at home =( thats why im going out...
  • blah okk i decided not to open it to public le :D ...
  • Life once was tangled line.Like missing pieces, in...
  • hehe i feel good! coz onli darling and tyt noe my ...
  • my stomach hurts =(my throat hurts too :(

  • Connections
