dimanche, septembre 24 ' 19:42
(: i feel fortunate. i get all that i want (including the tough times).
e.g. people get into the JCs they want. i dont. the start is the toughest because i have to get to know new people and get over the fact that i can no longer be with my old friends. its just like activation energy. if i dont overcome the energy, i'll never get to react (in my case, survive in my new JC). but i LEARNT to overcome it and i became a better person after that.
e.g. people get good grades. i dont get that all the time. FOR EXAMPLE, SOMEONE can get 80 for ONE subject, while i get a total of 80 marks from TWO subjects. somehow i learn how to get over my emotional barriers and buck up and start studying instead of grieving. during the process i learn (AGAIN).
e.g. i have 2 parents and 1 sister who love me like mad and take care of me all the time, always supporting me when i have obstacles, be there to experience my joy and success.
e.g. i have a boyfriend who is always giving me problems =p and making me upset hahaha k nonsense. my boyfriend loves me a lot a lot a super lot, is always there for me when i need him (: and is there to share my joy and sadness too =D
during the process of loving and being loved by my parents, sister and my boyfriend, i've really learnt how to cherish my loved ones, not take them for granted, and how to love them more, stop being wilful and wanting things go my way all the time.
i dont have a very big social circle, but i have a couple of friends who really helped carve the wanyi whom everyone knows as being ________ now. of course my family and bf contributed a lot, but my friends did too.
for e.g., when i was in pri sch, shihui christine jiaxin weixiang weiqian xiangjie yanmin andd a few others were the ones i always spent my time with, have fun, go crazy, get into trouble together.. etc. when i was in secondary sch, yuekai and emily really rocked my life (: there are a few others, like esther. and mr chow is really a good friend to confide in and all. =D of course my jies/meis/dis/kors had a great impact on my life too. at least they entered my life once, and vice versa. mainly valencia and tyt. the rest.. =x thanks for being there to spice up my life (:
now that i'm in JC, i still keep in contact with my pri, sec, 1st 3 mths JC friends. of course i have friends in JC too, but probably more superficial ones. i cannot tink of someone whom im REALLY close to (definitely not as close as i am to yuekai or emily, tyt or val) but joanne would be the closest it can get (:
when looking at my friends do their work, i dont get to know how they think and process the question etc. but when i look at how my students do their work, i learn from them stuff that are good, and also take note of their mistakes so that i dont repeat them while doing my own work. i learn a lot from them (coz my 2 students are smart but one of them talks too much to have optimal learning) and EY really impressed me a lot with some of his thinking and concepts. (: its really interesting to teach people =D
when i used to teach my squad stuff (be it hard or soft skills), i noticed different types of character in them and i really developed a few methods to deal with different types of cadets. it was really cool coz i really put in my best and i learnt that the efforts didnt 100% go down the drain (at least some of them really showed how impactful my actions and words were and all and im really glad about it).
im sure there are more (but im gonna rush off to do work and eat my koko krunch) and i'll continue next time. but seriously when we look at a bigger picture, everything fits and God's fair, isnt he? =D hmm i experience the pain, and i gain. people who give up halfway will not learn and will never get what they want.
living is just a process of learning all sorts of stuff, and one big component is learning about social relations. its the passion which always keeps people going, and in order to learn, one must have the passion. i love to learn, and i guess i've really learnt most from the people i love (mainly my family, kenneth darling, val and tyt).
it's really nice to think about it ehh =D i'm so thankful for all that i have or dont have x)
♥ let's go somewhere only you & i know.