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dimanche, octobre 16 ' 18:59

sweetheart :)
i'll never be happy without you.
so please dont ever leave me :)
life has never been this great, and im thankful i have you here by my side =)
forever my darling :) we'll last -hugs-

i need you in my life =) and we'll overcome all obstacles together ok? :) 11yrs down the road, pig&owner walking along the aisle :) ok that doesnt sound right. humans and pigs dont get married. (: do sth abt ur tail and snout! =D oh wells i'll help u with it. =D mebbe u just need medicine =) i'll provide that (: -muack-
this fairytale will come true :D

let's go somewhere only you & i know.


you're in wanyi's blog!
feel free to read & tag! (:


About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • omigosh. mei i love u so much. u're the best ever ...
  • mebbe she's looking at things with a more positive...
  • perhaps everything doesnt seem the way they are..w...
  • gosh. i swear nj is fun =D at least the image nj p...
  • Ah. Wanyi will miss nanhua quite a lot. QUITE. =) ...
  • take care my dear mei :) get well soon kae? =D don...
  • blah thankew to all the nice people who made me sm...
  • darling =Dbu shi ni de cuo! :) -muack-and i'll alw...
  • darling i'm so sorry. blah i should have just left...
  • ...........

  • Connections
