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vendredi, novembre 4 ' 13:39

ah! to all sec4s: hang on! xD O's gonna be over pretty soon :) :) 2 more weeks eh? =D
and to people taking A's (dont tink any of them reads my blog, but anyway..) : jia you! =D it's tough but keep on going! :)

weeets =) ah im in a pretty good mood. and bevvie, dont complain about me blogging about pig! =p its nice to read isnt it =p nehneh =p haha. (: ss is fun =D ah. im finishing development soon :) cooL! =D and i'll finish sec4 by tonight, even if it means mugging the whole night away :) sec3.. i'm still deciding if i shud even touch it :) hahaa

omigosh. cant believe that im in sucha good mood. BUT WHERE IS OUR PINK AND WHITE BAND? :( :( i still cant find it. booooooo. :( -rarrrh- nvm it'll appear soon xD

i cant take my eyes off you

let's go somewhere only you & i know.


you're in wanyi's blog!
feel free to read & tag! (:


About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • ahhha (: i read thru some of the past entries in u...
  • humans tend to hide things from others, for fear t...
  • ah. wat a day. hmm. chinese paper is easy eh. like...
  • Yay! I resisted the temptation of reading the prev...
  • As people cross our paths, they leave their prints...
  • omigosh cool day xD had so much fun in school :) :...
  • rarrrh. woe to the person who couldn't lie and got...
  • fark. why must we take O's? screw itmake all sec4s...
  • omigosh. u're so darn cute =DDD -muack- i'll never...
  • guess i hafta apologise to a few people for neglec...

  • Connections
