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mercredi, octobre 26 ' 21:53

omigosh cool day xD had so much fun in school :) :)
stupid eil kept bullying ying and me. rarrrrh lousy pok xD madness. haha. u made my fingers turn damn red la! all ur fault. lousy lousy lousy. rarrrrh =)

gosh gosh gosh. the juniors greeted me today!!!! xD so fun. jipeng greeted me ma'am somemore. hot eh xD rarrh and one greeted me staff sgt -.- omigosh. rarrrrrrh -faints- my ex-cadet somemore. booo. but nvm i dont blame u (: senior nco enuff le =p haha. stupid jerome. and weihang. im gonna get my CI rank and u all better keep quiet xD and listen to me. hahaa.

had fun ga jiao-ing jieheng and that girl xD hahahah (: cant rem how to spelll her name. dont scold me eh =p lol go jio her la =p dont blame me for writing here. :) i tink its fun =p hahaha. and u stupid pok. play bball somemore. tsk. TSK TSK.

ahhhhh i miss nhnp so much! :) :) so fun so fun xD weeets. cant wait to go back and serve the unit again! xD so excited. but wait. O's first. rarrrh. CONCENTRATE, WANYI. lol

loving you more each day =)

let's go somewhere only you & i know.


you're in wanyi's blog!
feel free to read & tag! (:


About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • rarrrh. woe to the person who couldn't lie and got...
  • fark. why must we take O's? screw itmake all sec4s...
  • omigosh. u're so darn cute =DDD -muack- i'll never...
  • guess i hafta apologise to a few people for neglec...
  • despite getting suan-ed by all the people, i'll st...
  • sweetheart :)i'll never be happy without you.so pl...
  • omigosh. mei i love u so much. u're the best ever ...
  • mebbe she's looking at things with a more positive...
  • perhaps everything doesnt seem the way they are..w...
  • gosh. i swear nj is fun =D at least the image nj p...

  • Connections
