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lundi, novembre 14 ' 12:31

hEh. i shall be nice and help u ask =p

anyone knows what is the lee hwa ad song? that one with a boy and girl holding hands or sth :) whoever knows PLEASE TAG AND TELL ME :) :) thankew xD

blah! im sorry darling. about it. it'll not happen again ok? :) at least i'll try my best xD sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry (at the speed of water leaking pipe or even faster). i love u! :) -hugs-

bev dont complain that the whole entry's for pig =) pigs are cute! :) heh xD

ah. 4 more days and everyth'll be over =) geog please dont be too tough :) phy too =) ah. JIA YOU FOR ALL THE PEOPLE OUT THERE! :) it'll be ALL FINE. in 4 days' time =D hehhheh.

omigosh harry potter xD hehhheh =p lousy pok dont go crazy over hermoine or cho chang =p rarrrh! haha (:

let's go somewhere only you & i know.


you're in wanyi's blog!
feel free to read & tag! (:


About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • ah its just a frigging day and i'm missing you so ...
  • hehHH! (: (: -muack- yes im in love with the pink ...
  • ah this wouldnt do. this bugging flu isnt bringing...
  • hEhs (: venice came out! wooots =) but well. i don...
  • ah =) a day full of mugging and sneezing -.- tired...
  • ah! to all sec4s: hang on! xD O's gonna be over pr...
  • ahhha (: i read thru some of the past entries in u...
  • humans tend to hide things from others, for fear t...
  • ah. wat a day. hmm. chinese paper is easy eh. like...
  • Yay! I resisted the temptation of reading the prev...

  • Connections
