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jeudi, mars 2 ' 19:15

ah. gonna know our posting results tml. come to tink of it, 1st 3 mths passsed real fast :( it's gonna be serious business from monday onwards eh? :( new ppl come, frens leave.. the rest stay. ah. even thou it has been just TWO MONTHS PLUS a bit, our class has bonded pretty fast and well eh? :) all the nice people (: ah. xD k guess i'll leave notes for those leaving nj in my entry tml =) sigh.

LETS ALL PRAY THAT THE NICE PPL WILL STAY AND THE BAD ONES SCRAM (: was talking to my OG frens today.. stan's friend came and joined us. hmm. sigh now i realise how lucky i am. well.. at least we should always look on the bright side of life eh? :) but no matter how many times i repeated that sentence to stan's friend, he didnt register it into his brain eh. take care and chills la =) hopefully u'll be able to stay in nj (k i dun even know ur name, but watever it is, lucks!). hope Ben can stay too huh. MUST STAY! =) hope as many ppl can stay as possible xD so that 06s14 can remain as one and not haf new ppl coming in =p ah I DOWAN TO CHANGE CLASS! better not. if not i'll be so upset :(

we shud all cherish watever we have eh? i dunno why stan's friend said 'cherish the ppl ard you, esp those who are v impt' or sth lidat. hmm. yeap but im just gonna remember that forever la. =) will cherish all the people ard me.. (: esp all my loved ones. =)

just wanna thank all the njc-ians for the wonderful two/three months! =) it has been great wif all of u around la =) OG27, the OGLS for OG27, 06S14 and the OGLS too (: and a few ppl here and there. xD OH! and i bet christine's leaving nj for MASS COM! (: good for ya! =) hopefully u can go there eh xD ur dreamm :) i'll miss u thou :( it's hard that the few of us finally managed to get together after 4 yrs of separation x( but nevertheless, im still happy that at least we managed to spend time together during this period of time! xD 6D rocks! xD hahaha

oh we celebrated pu-ge's bday today haha. (: oh and yuquan wasnt ard. weird leh. tot someone said pu-ge's DAMN CUTE? hahahaha -faints- childish girls nowadays xD not like me :) mature =D

I'M IN A GOOD MOOD TODAY. :) this is the grand finale ok. hmm. i met up wif val today! =) and we talked for 1 hr or so ok :) at first i expected us to just meet, i pass her the stuff, and just say byebye and leave. but in the end we stood beside the bus stop can. and talked non-stop. hahaha. as noisy as always. (: thanks for that my dear laogong =) [KENNETH MY DARLING PLEASE DONT BE JEALOUS HAHAHAHA] it's been a super long time since we've met up and talked like that! :( oh well. YEP IM DEFINITELY GONNA VISIT FATSO AND RUSKY DURING THE MARCH HOLIDAYS (: and we'll talk and go crazy k? :D and take photos (: [once again, darling please dont make noise. hee. val laogong is a girl! hahaha and we're straight! you shud noe that right? haha] hopefully u'll recover soon ok? :D oh and hope everyth'll be fine for u kae =D oh and JIA YOU for saving up $ for ur mum's prezzie =) damn sweet of u (as always duh). but remember to eat! =) must take good care of urself k (: SMILE!

ah and there's this damn sian ting. i flunked both econs and math test =) dont ask me how many marks i got coz its reli terribvle. hahaha. but nehmind I'LL WORK HARD AFTER 1ST THREE MONTHS OK. and thrash all the ppl =p hahaha watch out u. hahahha

you are my sunshine

let's go somewhere only you & i know.


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About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • ah yday was really fun (: during the last detail. ...
  • HAHAH all 06s14 photos (: according to popular dem...
  • weeeets i waited for a zilllllion years for this d...
  • omigosh i tink my phone rocks can (: its super fun...
  • ahhhh (: nh cc boys' team, well done! =) weeeets o...
  • ahh bad day today (: haha. coz stupid ju-on pissed...
  • damn this week (:k lets think about happier stuff ...
  • ARGH. its friday tml! exciting and scary la =\ dar...
  • sometimessssssssssLETTING GO SEEMS HARD (: hahahaa...
  • HELLO (:BYEBYE :Dah im just so bored x)

  • Connections
