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dimanche, avril 16 ' 20:25

i've seen you drop silent tears and the heartwarming smiles on your face. somehow, it makes my life worthwhile.

at this very second, there are people in this world who are in desperate need of your help when you're either enjoying life or slacking at home, having nothing to do.

and please don't ignore the buskers or beggars on the streets. 'cause who knows your few cents may be very significant to them.

oh yes and even if you wont even bother to read the fliers given to you, do take it from the people standing by the escalators as im sure they'll appreciate it.

ah and when you see lil kids wanting to reach for the tap to wash their hands but they cant seeem to be able to, just lend a helping hand no matter what you're doing eh? im sure they'll be most grateful. =)

haha helping cadets keep their stuff (e.g. wooden pole) when they're doing their activities may seem quite stupid, but yeah, i believe ur kindness will be appreciated x) hahaha

this may sound super typical, but if u see this old granny crossing the road and the green man's alr flashing, please make sure she reaches the other end of the road safely :D

how about this. saving an ant which is struggling to stay alive in water. (: there're so many people who kill these creatures the moment they see them. -shakes head- will u want to be treated the same way if u cant swim and u're like dying in the water? =
sigh. and the list goes onnnnnnn (: there are so many things you can do to help someone x) oh that reminds me of the time when i was at JE wif toff. and we met this woman who was having much difficulty going down the stairs. and we offered to help. guess she felt a lil better physically but got worse emotionally when we tried to help more than she asked us to. and i felt terrible 'cause i didnt mean to hurt her even more. bahh.

but anyhow, dont waste ur time sitting at the bus stop waiting for a bus. look out for people who need help! (: and be nice :D it doesnt hurt to help ppl anyway (: hee

ok thats all for today. just some random stuff for myself (: hmm mebbe i shud start tinking abt a topic each day :D it helps in the development of ideas in ur mind! =) ah. sounds quite bullshit but yea. heee =)

tomorrow! :D :D :D

let's go somewhere only you & i know.


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feel free to read & tag! (:


About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • rarrh. OH as u see, i had an ORDINARY day, and ive...
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  • bad day. i seriously dislike aj pe. nothing's wors...
  • bad month. like a few ppl ard me (indirect relatio...
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  • ah this week has been so tiring. have been standin...
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  • oh happy happy 8months3days16hrs45mins :D hahaha l...
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