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mercredi, mai 31 ' 18:29

ah this may seem a lil lag, but MI3 is good! (: oh man for the first time in my life i tot tom cruise is quite charming x) haha ok nonsense x) heheh somehow ___ and sharon always sit near each other de :D hehe i wonder.. haha!

and i injured my hand coz of the table hockey la! ouchies. =( got this swollen blue black ting on my right wrist =\ too hiong le hehe oh and i played house of the dead! but not 4. 2 =( at least i lasted a bit x) haha it was so damn fun la omigosh im gonna play again soon! x) but not with people looking at me play. if not its damn scary. shall go alone or sth ahha

-burp- and im super full from eating icecream jap food.. wat else x) hmm. dont care la. im just tired and dirty. i need to bathe soon (: shit la shall stop spending money soon. im spending way too much and i dont even noe how i spent it =

yea how i wish i didnt say all those stuff in the first place too

anw, just being random. anyone can tell me WHAT LOVE IS? and why do people get married? hahha was talking to this friend abt her relationship and i realised lots of stuff. they've been together for so long they're used to each other. thats quite a cool feeling rite. and i guess they dont take each other for granted too :D which is great. hmm and many other amazing things about them. looks like every relationship has its own unique problems.. just like we have ours..

let's go somewhere only you & i know.


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About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • i may be nice, but dont take me for granted. there...
  • oh this is terrible =( im down wif flu and i cant ...
  • i typed this entry once, and im typing it again =(...
  • LOL wats the big deal about spermo -.- haha!eh omi...
  • oh my gosh! this smile looks like yvonne's smile! ...
  • yay! another happy happy day =) haha! exercised to...
  • ah wat a good day :D chem spa shud haf been quite ...
  • haha! read this national geographic article on lov...
  • i miss you sowe hafen been spending much time toge...
  • rarrh IM DAMN TIRED. zzz this week seemed so long....

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