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samedi, janvier 13 ' 11:45

was seriously exhausted, so i didnt blog after i reached home yday. was desperately trying to re-install the camera CD for pics transfer, coz the hard disk for the laptop is new. and all the stuff are gone. RARRRRRRRRH >X( that includes my PW stuff LOL

okay, i guess i must write all the stuff about 12th jan down, because it is a meaningful day.. probably the most meaningful one ever since the start of the yr. =)

okay, had school, paid attention during lessons, did my work.. not much about that. after school, tried going to donate blood wif asshole & ended up.. rarrh. ended up not being able to donate coz we're below 18 and we do not have parental consent. >X( -FAINTS- why isnt my bday & asshole's bday on 12th jan 89 >x( so.. both of us were practically drenched huh. & asshole had a funny encounter with someone who said, 'no matter what, do not get urself involved with _ _ _ girls!' LOL. -dies- hahahahaha okay, and then we hopped on the bus (cant rem the bus service no. le lah) & alighted at some kuku food place. den concluded the food's too ex for consumption, coz wanyi has been sooooooo poor (left with 12 bucks for the week, and 10 out of the 12 is from mum's reimbursement RARRRh, and wanyi still has to pay for her dinner, lunch, mebbe another dinner for the weekend), so we walked over to ermmmmm.. whats that place. dont know how to spell lah. the place with that swee lee shop. & ate at the food court lor :D the curry yong tao foo is nice leh :D better than the pig's organ soup, asshole =x smelly! lol heh heh & after that, we desperately tried finding a book about eunuchs -.- damn lame lahh but we cudnt find it lah, coz asshole is lousy. LOL. & then we went to sweelee! where asshole hao lian-ed his 1/2-played morethanwords LOL. -faints- okay, u didnt zao sia. not too bad LOL. & now asshole says he noes the whole song alr.. *wow* hahahaha okay. next! took a few pics! REFLECTIONS! =D not exactly cam whoring lahh >x( onli haf 4 pics altogether. booooooos. anyways. ATE SUNDAE after that! omigosh i miss that! hafen eaten that in a zillion yrs, i swear. okay, ever since. hmm the last time i shared it with someone. & we saw someone run into the macs damn drenched, and the person's from asshole's sch, but the person dao-ed asshole. LOL. okay, den i went back to aj lah. for ocip meeting & erm.. first 10mins of track LOL. hmm & i bloodily alighted when i was already in the correct train LOl. asshole, my blurness always amazes you huh. LOL

OCIP MEETING! =DDD everyone was in the black shirt! =)) hell nice okay. reached at almost 5 & every one was asking me about my blood donation, but wth so sia suay lah. lol stupid mokmok was laughing LOL. & i saw mok, & asked him to jia you for the trials lol cool huh x) mok's coming for training on mon! =) hehs.

meeting started at 5.30 coz we were waiting for the harmokees & mingxuanssss lahh. & jack they all. and we had a sharing session! =) the last one i guess. a few people werent there ): MY BUDDY! jolene! jianhui! ): who else.. hope that's all. heh. x) 3 things that we brought with us to singapore.. hmm took a photo of what i wrote, and i'll post it here later. sigh I MISS NORTHERN STAR SO MUCH. and SUKSASONGKROH. was hell sian diao when spasticwoman told me that pakjiao said THE KIDS ARE STARTING TO FORGET US. wthh ): that cannot be possible! =((( at least im sure chatchai & my m3/1 & m6/1 will never forget us. RARRRH! >X( no matter wat i wanna go back tis yr! =D

okay, we played a game after sharing HEH. funny lah! must remember it for life. LOL.
rule no.1 - DONT CHEAT!
rule no.2- if you are tapped once, repeat the rules.
rule no.3- if you are tapped twice, stand up but continue to close your eyes.
rule no.4- if you are tapped thrice, you can do whatever you want.

starting position: SQUAT on the floor, hands not touching the floor.

IT WAS TERRIBLE OKAY. i have injuries, and many of us were tired from PE & all the shit. LOL den i was hoping i'd get tapped 3 times and i'd go rescue the rest of the people. BUT every one was busy chanting the rules, and i was one of them >X( so irritating lah! lol den leg damn pain alr. and i was having pins & needles.. but finally huimin rescued me LOL & i went to rescue the last 4 people who were still squatting & chanting! =) & BIG COW did a very good explanation about the purpose of the game..hmm empowerment. i didnt think of that though. =) COOL LAH! haiz im gonna miss all the games northernstar played together =( ever since 20th aug till yesterday. hmm

and we were supposed to write a letter to ourselves! =) WROTE MY BIG BIG address on the first page, & some stuff about OCIP.. supposed to write about post-ocip trip, but i wrote about pre,ocip trip & post-ocip trip. =) HEH. ^^ the teachers will post the letters to us 3 months later =) so that we'll never forget all the stuff :D

ATE A CAKE AFTER THAT, & had cam-whoring! hahahaha got lots of pics. :D wont upload all, coz wil die! lol. :D sigh. i'm gonna miss northernstar so much. I ALREADY MISS IT LOTS! =(

went kfc to eat together! that was wat happened after the 2d1n camp that time! =) and thanesh was being HELL FUNNY lah. hahaha said all the crap lol -faints- made everyone laugh like siao HAHAHAHA & mum kept calling to scold coz she realised i've been reaching home hell late every friday. RARRRH >X( okay, shall stop narrating.

i guess ocip has been a really great experience, it allows us to see many things, to realise many things, to learn many things, and to apply them to our daily lives. ocip allowed many of us to open up to one another, be frank to one another, cherish one another during the trip, learn about Thai culture, realise that we should be hell thankful to have lights at home, fans at home, all the stuff we have in school, heater for bathing, washing machines, toilet paper in sch toilets, & that we're learning everything in english, other than the language subjects. Thai kids are really smart, they are even smarter than many of us. & their thirst of knowledge is something i really admire a lot, and that's what i've been trying to achieve ever since i came back from ocip. (:
northernstar has kinda successfully achieved its aim: a single hand of warmth, to many hearts reborn. (: we touched their hearts, we managed to give what we have.. mebbe not everything, but we did try. we were suppose to serve & learn, and most of us said that we'd serve a lot & learn a lot (said that before the trip), but during our sharing session yesterday, all of us said (small s, BIG L) other than bigcow. hmm -shrugs- i wished the Thais weren't that hospitable, and then we wouldnt have slpt so comfortably.. and we wud have done more rather than let the Thais serve us.. lots of stuff that i regret. but i guess i'll definitely stop doing all those when we go back this yr.. i do not want to live in regret. (:

20th aug; the start of our learning journey.
28thnov-13thdec; the ocip trip.
12th jan; a proper closure to the ocip trip.
13th jan onward; MEMORIES.. & NORTHERNSTAR will keep in touch! :DD

Ms Raudah- our expedition teacher-in-charge
Mrs Tan
Mr Lim (uncle lim!) p/s YOU STILL OWE ME MY 10BAHT BDAY PREZZIE lol
danial (bigcow) our expedition leader
yiting (eating!) our assistane expedition leader
yvonne GIRAFFE! karen padong tribe woman!
yuanwen MY ANGEL! (she rocks!)
jocelyn JACK'S ANGEL! together with von & my angel! hahaha
yuying yy! the fake birdnest! (SHE GAVE ME A KISS ON THE CHEEK YDAY!! omigosh)
lucinda AUNTEYYY worss!
izzah MY BUDDY! :D
shuwen MOKMOK! (: ILOVEYOU so much!
huimin PANDA!! happyeatingbamboorice!
peishan THE I-LOOK-SO-BLUR girl!
aini (AI4 NI3!) :D u'r damn good at dancing malay dance!
shini! (stop imitating sontaya's 'teaCHer'!!)
wanyi THATS ME! aunteyy no.1!
wenzhao (AH ZHAO!!! :D)
yiheng MY MORTAL!
thanesh (DUM DUM!)
samuel (coloring rocks!)
jack (he has 3 angels, forming "jack's angels" trying to be like charlie huh lol)
mingxuan (I DREAMT-ed OF A moMster yday nites!)
nigel (jia you with ur girl!)
alan (ur hell smart lah!)

33 souls, 1 mission. :D

northernstar, ILOVEYOU!

a simple hand of warmth, to many hearts reborn.

OUR theme song!

We were strangers, starting out on a journey
Never dreaming, what we’d have to go through
Now here we are, I’m suddenly standing
At the beginning with you

No one told me I was going to find you
Unexpected, what you did to my heart
When I lost hope, you were there to remind me
This is the start

And life is a road that I wanna keep going
Love is a river, I wanna keep flowing
Life is a road, now and forever, wonderful journey
I’ll be there when the world stops turning
I’ll be there when the storm is through
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you

We were strangers on a crazy adventure
Never dreaming, how our dreams would come true
Now here we stand, unafraid of the future
At the beginning with you

And life is a road that I wanna keep going
Love is a river, I wanna keep flowing
Life is a road, now and forever, wonderful journey
I’ll be there when the world stops turning
I’ll be there when the storm is through
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you

Knew there was somebody, somewhere
A new love in the dark
Now I know my dream will live on
I’ve been waiting so long
Nothing’s gonna tear us apart

And life is a road that I wanna keep going
Love is a river, I wanna keep flowing
Life is a road, now and forever, wonderful journey
I’ll be there when the world stops turning
I’ll be there when the storm is through
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you

Life is a road that I wanna keep going on
Love is a river, I wanna keep going

Starting out on a journey

Life is a road that I wanna keep going
Love is a river, I wanna keep flowing
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you

NORTHERN STAR! (: 12th jan 07 =))

let's go somewhere only you & i know.


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feel free to read & tag! (:


About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • -yawn- TIRED! haha came sch wif a couple today LOL...
  • every day's a tiring day for me, and wanyi's sleep...
  • omigoshzorzz i just realised i blog in school ever...
  • 15 more mins before i'm busy again. so shall just ...
  • it's just one of the emo days today. haha. CUT MY ...
  • CAME BACK FROM NP! (: finally! =) CAN DIE OKAYY. d...
  • HEY JAMES or whoever,just to let you know. check t...
  • it's gonna be a good day :) it was a good start! f...
  • went adam's food centre with thespasticwoman jus n...

  • Connections
