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mercredi, janvier 3 ' 15:55

went adam's food centre with thespasticwoman jus now :D HEH. and i'm slacking instead of doing work in schooL! :( aha -slaps myself-

and i ordered fishball noodle. dry. chilli lil bit. hmm
it has become a habit. even my eating habits changed because of you

anyway. saw this mediacorp guy. really dont know his name LOL so.. we just ignored him :D haha & thespasticwoman bought the nasi lemak wooots :D quite nice. hmm

i was much reminded of orientation.. OG27. the days we had together. hmm and the many times we said we wanna go adam's food centre since its so near nj.. but we never really went there. haha :D and the times karla kat fangyou jason & kelvin taught us to escape from school =x the holes in nj.. blah blah. :D miss the times.
and i definitely miss the times when you were around, the times you got jealous =x and the times you cared.. the many times we tried our best to meet up after school..

saw mokmok's brother, MOK. haha he was running around during orientation juz nw :D haha and i'm slacking SHIT. hmm TRAINING ):

i just realised i made full use of my last holiday :D hmm lemme sum it up :D in case i ever forget about it =)

1st-11th nov: PW preparation :D & personal time
12th-27th nov: OCIP preparation :DD + some catching up with people & some personal time
28th-13th dec: THAILAND! :D maehongson! suksasongkroh! :D teaching thai kids, construction of roof, visit night market twice, fish cave, padong tribe, king's bday's celebration at the city area, visit to the chinese yunnan village, watch fireworks, hot spring LOL, cycling, running, husband&wife games, singing of 'atthebeginning', campfires, 2d1n camp at national park, home stay @ the nicenice person's house, piggy-backs, cultural night (FASHION SHOW & DANCE & CHOIR LOL!), cat&mouse, loi kre tong, chaangchaangchaang, elephant camp, chiangmai shopping trip, ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS food served in sch & in the thai restaurants in chiangmai, bagus but at the same time uncomfortable budget air flights, best nights with thespasticwoman, miny & mokmok & of coz the rest of the girls, blackouts =\, washing of clothes, morning assembly, applemelakomkuaysom! :D many many more lahh!
14th dec: a sudden change in my life
15th-31st: watched theholiday,nightatthemuseum,deathnote2,saw3,deathnote(AGAIN),flushedaway(LOL gay show).
had np parades, np retreat, np chalet, np meetings, grounded sessions (obviously by my mum), cycling with sister, MAHJONG WOOOOTS, crazy murderer sessions.. lots of stuff.
mebbe thats why i managed to avoid thinking of stuff.

anyway it's back to school. reality. :D time to pia hard & complete the remaining 90% of my holiday assignments & 4 or 5 projects. hmm. time to focus on studies & cca.. :D time to stop thinking so much & drown myself in work. yes i can do it. :D just that i may be a lil slow.. hmm

tyt! no lah! not that i'm lazy to reply your tag =( i'm not! we always talk one wat :D so.. can dont reply you here wat =p heh heh. anyway. JIA YOU FOR FANCYDRILL TRAINING! sorry i cant go down today. i'll definitely go on friday okay? :D LOVES!
wendy! i'm glad you're okay :D takecare alright? BE OPTIMISTIC!
ben! stupid asshole. THE PHOTOGRAPHER ISNT ZAI LOR! its just ME. lol!
benben! who says! i'm optimistic okay ;D lOL
yy! OBVIOUSLY i love you too :D THANKS A LOT! YOU ROCK LAHH thanks for the hug today HEH HEH :D FAKE BIRD NEST!
jarrel! aiya u went for countdown & chalet wat. so i didnt tell u the url lor. OOPS i just realised i dao-ed ur msg that day. SORRY! & stop being evil to benchia lahh (he deserves it though) :DD
joyce! THANKS! :D i didnt noe ur com's down -.- haha no wonder lahh! seeya in sch TOMORROW! LOL

anyways. seriously just stop bastarding your own friend, bitch. that's not being very nice of you =) grow up, stop being idiotic. dont hurt my friend and i wont hurt you. thank you :D

let's go somewhere only you & i know.


you're in wanyi's blog!
feel free to read & tag! (:


About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • WENDY, this is sth i promised you :Di'm gonna make...
  • EDWIN! whats ur url?! tell me! :D and..stop saying...
  • gonna be NEW YR in a short while (: hope everythi...
  • i know you probably can see this, you probably are...
  • so tired.i'm so tired. (: of faking my smiles. of ...
  • alright, this blog is all to myself once again. hm...
  • i dont know what to believe, dont know who to trus...
  • what on earth just happened?i wish i could truly u...
  • it takes time for emotions to settle, and for me t...

  • Connections
