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mardi, janvier 2 ' 10:38

EDWIN! whats ur url?! tell me! :D and..stop saying ur nonsensical assumptions are correct! haha coz they're DEFINITELY WRONG! hahaha :D dont think so much lah =D and dont speak cantonese/whatever dialect to me lah! you KNOW i dont understand! >.<

THESPASTICWOMAN!u rock like crap lah! =D i love you lots lahh who says i dont love you :D haha stupid woman. thanks a hell lot for being ard. seriously =D and thanks for helping me da3 bao4 bu4 ping2. coz thats when i realise how impt i'm in ur life, and how impt u are in my life! :D anyway.. SCH'S GONNA REOPEN TOMORROW, we're SO GONNA DIE. HOMEWORK! ARGH! TAKECARE YOU :D shall sms you later!

FIO FIO! *disgusting voice* HEH. you damn farnie lah. dont tell me u love me! lol tyt will get jealous! wahahaha. =D i thought u said u cannot get into tyt's tb? i can leh. and i saw u tag there! LIARR liar pants on fire! =D heh. takecare of ur stupid stomach lah :D SMILES!

CHERYL! gosh i miss you loads! rarrh i'll reli try my best to crash nj okay? who are OGLs this yr? :D heh heh. but i'll be quite busy =( see how ba! :D

EILEEN! rarrrh dont be upset i didnt write to you! :( haha u noe wat i wanna say to u anyway =p and STOP GROWING TALLER, please. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. lol takecare you! +D

okayy.. the rest of the tags. LAZY TO REPLY LER! =x

bad start for the year. lets sum up wat happened to me yday. :D

woke up; sick, bad throat, fever. (BUT I WOKE UP EARLY!)
packed my math file, got ready to go out to DO HOMEWORK!
met up with MY GOODIE FREN, did some work. NOT MUCH though! GOODIE FREN DIDNT BRING MONEY can -.-
listened to this stupid song (duno the title!) and i started having REAL BAD FLU (claims GOODIE FREN), but its actually I WAS CRYING! lol!
gave up on work (finally) and walked around.. SAW MY PARENTS. lol
wanted to get this wallet & got scolded by mummy LOL she was nagging at me in front of my goodie fren =( HAHA. and my STUPID goodie fren ACTUALLY SAID TO MY MUM, 'ya.wanyi shudnt be buying a new wallet!' but goodie fren said OTHERWISE TO ME! >X(
goodie fren left, and mummy BOUGHT THE WALLET FOR ME! LOL
came home, got a lil worried, couldn't get to sleep, but still managed to fall asleep for less than 1/2hr before going to BRAZIL LOL
ate brazillian dinner OMIGOSH WE SPENT $300++ omigosh. AROO WAS HELL FUNNY. OMGZORZZZZZZZZZZ LOL. sister is a paedophile! OMIGOSH LOL can you believe it. -faints- i couldnt eat much coz my throat hurt like crap, and i was very tired,sick,BAD MOOD. lol
felt very touched when GOODIE FREN did sth nice! =D baby & goodie fren rock! =D
drank some wine, went a bit crazy & high, walked ard esplanade, fullerton, boat quay & singapore river.. thought of some stuff.
REACHED HOME, NEARLY DIED. fever was killing me, my throat hurt so much, and my family kept asking me qns which i really cudnt answer coz my throat hurt like siao. hmmm BUT ITS BETTER NOW (:

okay, that's the 1st day of my new yr. =)

anyway, kenneth, hope you're really alright. hmm takecare you :) glad u enjoyed urself in bangkok :D THAILAND IS A GREAT PLACE, isnt it?

I MISS SUKSASONGKROH!! =D i really do. RARRH. :( suksa, HAPPY NEW YR! =D must go back this yr RARRRh. yes, i'll spend my bird-day there again :D and i'll keep my birdnest =D

i've tried being strong, somehow i cant get it right. but i'm still trying, and i'll succeed somehow okay? =) thanks a zillion to people who have been there, for people who have been giving me all the support i need.

conflicting feelings

for one moment, i thought i wished you were there to spend new yr with me. but i guess i need to realise that you'll never be there ever again, you're not the one for me, and you'll probably never be. reality sucks, truth hurts.

& im sick, so i cant meet my pianoteacher today =( rarrrh.

to all students, JIA YOU for the new yr! =D one missing soul in our class this yr.. but nevermind.. willy, takecare! =D 25/06, ALL THE BEST!

iskandar, okay i'll write ur name in every entry okay? iskandar iskandar LOL okay. ahmad too. in case ahmad makes noise and kills himself in whichever game. LOL takecare!

let's go somewhere only you & i know.


you're in wanyi's blog!
feel free to read & tag! (:


About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • gonna be NEW YR in a short while (: hope everythi...
  • i know you probably can see this, you probably are...
  • so tired.i'm so tired. (: of faking my smiles. of ...
  • alright, this blog is all to myself once again. hm...
  • i dont know what to believe, dont know who to trus...
  • what on earth just happened?i wish i could truly u...
  • it takes time for emotions to settle, and for me t...
  • OH AND IT FEELS SO DIFFERENT, playing houseofthede...
  • I'M NOT GIVING UP YET! ok, at this point in time, ...

  • Connections
