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dimanche, décembre 31 ' 20:03

gonna be NEW YR in a short while (: hope everything's gonna be new for me, for others. new yr resolutions.. hmm.

i've seen the best in me & the worst in me. i've forged many frenships, i had a relationship, i've strengthened kinship. i learnt what it's like to give in my everything, lose the things i cherish. and learning to accept changes.

letting go is definitely part of life, and i guess i hafen exactly attained the skill of letting go yeah? but i'm trying, i'm putting in my 99% already. THANKS TO ALL THE FRENS WHO HAVE BEEN SUPPORTING ME ALL THE WHILE (:

it has been a busy year, but definitely not as busy as 2007. for a start, wanyi's gonna
1) strengthen her health (yes,she's sick again)
2) go for as many trainings (for both ccas) as possible
3) pia TUTORIALS, COPY LECTURE NOTES and pay more attention in class instead of playing with hp & chatting with classmates
4) constantly remind herself of the Thai kids and try to have their studying mentality :D
5) save up money every week. perhaps 10bucks. so as to parcel stuff over to the Thai kids whenever she wants =)
6) GET A FIRST AID CERT! wth haha i'm not a certified first aider :(
7) stop seeing the bitchiest & evil-est of myself, stop being sarcastic towards ppl who are a total waste of my time
8) FORGET the bad stuff, stop trying to figure out what exactly is the truth or what are lies, because wanyi will never get things straight.

plan for early jan 2007:
1st jan: BRAZILIAN DINNER with family! (:
2nd jan: meet my piano teacher for lunch! (: hafen seen her for yrs. i swear. JUNHAO'S BDAY
3rd jan: START OF SCH! (: okay.. dress smartly, wear the AJ TIE! :D pia for training after sch! x)
4th jan: COPY NOTES FAITHFULLY because the package & deannie want to borrow my notes after they finish doing their OGL BUSINESS! (: pia for NP training after lessons! :) train them up for CCA XTRAVAGANZA! (:
5th jan: CONTINUE COPYING NOTES FAITHFULLY.. blah. np/track after sch! (:
6th jan: 6D outing! :D IVAN'S BDAY! (:
7th jan: the jarrel-itchy-aiky-wanyi-ben chia outing @ novena PEPPER LUNCH! (: SEE. WE'RE SO NICE TO YOU, BEN! :D okay, itchy & aiky dont even know you! =x

SAVE UP MONEY! (: many bday prezzies to get! =D

okayy.. time to credit people who haf been around! (: -cracks brain- I HOPE I WONT LEAVE OUT ANYONE! (:

people who have been PERMANENTLY AROUND, emotionally, mebbe physically (not in any specific order okayy):

valencia LAOGONG`MEI
you've probably been the best that you can ever be. there for me even when the sky falls. i'm really glad you survived all the stuff, be it good or bad. there were times when we got real close. that was yrs back. now, we're still close, mebbe not as close, because we arent the type who go out everyday, msg everyday, talk everyday. we dont really talk that much,but somehow we feel each other's presence all the time. (: thanks for the times when u gaf me LOTS of advice, woke me up from my stupidest dreams & guide me along the way =D thanks for letting me know what FRIENDSHIP&LOVE are all about! :) I LOVE YOU LOTS! ;D i really do. TAKECARE OKAY? if you're happy, i'm happy too. :) i'll be there all the time! LOVES!

tyt MEI!
heh (: we hafen been talking THAT MUCH coz i got into JC and i was attached. so.. IM SO SORRY FOR ALL THOSE ): thanks for giving me a chance to mend the missing holes between us, and once again, play an impt role in each other's lives. THANKS FOR BEING THERE, FOR BEING MY ANGEL, for being super supportive no matter what, for confiding in me at times. I JUST WISHED U COULD OPEN UP TO ME MORE! (: i'm here for you, whenever you need me. JUST AN SMS AWAY! :D jurongwest & bp are NOT THAT FAR apart (: i can fly to ur house if need be! :D LOVES. please BE HAPPY for the new yr, at least be happy that you're one impt person in my life! :D

hello SEEDUM fren! you're one hell of a good fren :D i remember it all started when you started talking to me about *ahem* and asked me for my advice.. blah blah. and that's when IT ALL STARTED! (: msn chats every night, sms FLOODS (lately), phone calls (short & precise ones LOL), lunchout, shopping @ ntuc when i attempted to shoplift LOL! thanks for ALWAYS being there, for ALWAYS flooding vulgarities with me LOL, for being there to listen to my funny stories which i've never shared with anyone, for giving me my daily dosage of songs :D for treating me as someone whom you can share your troubles with. and for TRUSTING ME! (: thanks for all the encouragement, thanks for being so understanding and thanks for everything! :D it's gonna be a good yr ahead! for you, for me, for 25/06! (: SMILES! :D nah, im not gonna say ilu! hahahaha :D and dont worry, i wont muack u, so dont faint! LOL. and BE GLAD THAT my sister feels you're a GOOD GOOD fren too! :)) THANK YOU! :D wanyi appreciates jeya HELL LOTS!! so.. is this note long enuff? haha dont worry, there's more to go as we pia hard for A's together! :D MANY SMILES! :D thanks for being around, seedum fren :D see le-ung fren will be there for you too! :D HEH.

fiona NEHNEH!
stupid nehneh! (: i'm still VERY honoured to haf dorn-ed one side of ur rank LOL :D thanks for letting me have the honour! :D but u're more honoured than me =p HEH HEH. xD thanks for trusting me, thanks for telling me all ur problems, thanks for being crappy & for listening to me :D I MISS THE NEH-NEH times! :D lol x) now that you're a CI, surely we'll meet up a lot :D so.. CHEERS! :D woots. stop loving me so much, because i wudnt want to turn les! :D heh. thanks for ALL ur support okay :) i really love you so much! :) hope you take care of ur health, and hope 2007 is a year where your health gets MUCH better, and you are fit enough to go bonkus with me! :D SMILE! =) LOVES!

benjaminCHIAmingjie`assholic di
weird lah. still feels weird calling u DI. lol prefer calling u JIE. loL! okay fine, dont ignore me! HAHAHAH u're just 2mths younger than me! WHAT DI IS THAT. LOL thanks for always telling me all the MOST NEGATIVE STUFF ever LOL be it kidding or what. HAHA. u're 50% uncontactable, because u've been so busy at work and all the stuff. DONT BE PISSED WIF UR MANAGER LAH. he has his PMS-es, so just let him be (: be cool-headed, AND PLEASE SMILE WHEN U'RE GIVING OUT FLYERS CAN. lol u looked like u were going to kill someone :) lol ENJOY WORK nx yr, enjoy PLAYING UR PART AS A CI in acsi(land) npcc, enjoy the love from ur BELOVED JIE. lol thanks for the wonderful times, AND WE'RE BOTH NOOBS in shooting. but for some reason, im better than you! LOL. continue being there for me! :D and i'll definitely be there for you, asshole :D HAPPY NEW YR! (:

junwei GOR!
i only got closer to you after you got outta OCIP northern star. haha quite a pity, but.. HEH HEH. gor rocks! (: you're one hell of a good bf, one hell of a good gor! :D trust me! thanks for being super super concerned all the time. you're one rare gor! =) and. dont worry! your hair is nice lah. makes you look MUCH MORE DECENT. loL! and thanks for praising my hair WOOOTS I LOVE MY HAIR. lol hafen gone out ever since hols started. heh. but im sure we'll meet each other at the bus stop someday! LOL. dont be too involved in ur work okay? it's tiring u out too much! :) and.. JIA YOU FOR UR RELATIONSHIP =) u and ur girl :) its gonna work out! :D SMILE! JIA YOU! BE CONFIDENT OKAY! =D ilovemygor! coz he's a very very nice gor x) evil though. SHAWN. MOON. LOL
thanks for a wonderful yr, the good and the bad times. have a great yr ahead, and hope you're fine in bangkok! dont get bombed okay :) prayed for you already! seeya ard.

joanne KA!
woman!! =D SPASTIC WOMAN! you're ONE SUPER SPASTIC WOMAN! loll and you always love to ask me whether i wanna share coffee with you and i always hafta tell you i dont like coffee! WHEN WILL U EVER PROCESS INTO UR BRAIN THAT WANYI DOESNT LIKE COFFEE??!?! LOL. thanks for being the girl who has been ard for me for the whole yr. the one who has been laughing at me, smiling at me, going crazy with me, being SOSWEET to me, for appreciating me, for LOVING ME, for going for OCIP together with me! =D that's when you realised how hard it is to wake me up LOLLL . and so sorry i rolled over to ur bed LOL. ILOVEJOANNE KA! =D it has been a great yr to have you ard with me, LETS JIA YOU FOR NX YR! (: haf the m3/1 spirit! =D pay attention in class, mug hard TOGETHER! :D and.. STOP ASKING ME TO DRINKCOFFEE WITH YOU! you'll still force me to drink anyway! HAHAHA LOVES!

yuekai stead!
STEAD!!! WE HAFEN MET UP! >x( argh -faints- we're damn shi bai! grrr okay, we must meet up somewhere in january okay? :) just to catch up or sth! :D and i bet we're both gonna go for chowy's CNY celebrations! :D I MISS THE TIMES IN NHHS! (: the times we spent together >X( RARRRH! and hope you're doing REAL FINE IN HCI (: AND.. HEH HEH. stop being so scandalous! lOL. tell me more abt ur *ahem* okayy. JIA YOU! =D lol but remember, staying as FRENS is still the best! (: (: THANKS FOR BEING THERE, thanks for telling me the things i made for him are nice enough, thanks for being there to share my happiness & sadness! =D must continue to keep in contact okay? :D mebbe we can study together! =D LOVES! HAPPY NEW YR! :) send my regards to ur family members! =D

SHIHUI, my prisch best fren!
IT WAS REALLY NICE chatting with you today! (: pri sch years are SUPER NICE! (: haha innocent & childish times! DONT FREN YOU. all the crap! hahaha funny lahh. x) cant wait for 6D outing again! =D yayy. THANKS FOR CARING about me, thanks for being there! not all the time, but i know you'll still be there for me if i ever need you. so, IM TELLING YOU NOW THAT, i'm always there for you tooo! =D we must keep in contact okay! :) we've like.. KNOWN EACH OTHER FOR... hmm.. 9yrs! =D i think. lol I LOVE SHIHUI! (; its damn sad i didnt manage to stay in NJ. coz if i did, we'd be going to sch together every day! :D and we'd see each other every day! =D can relive the moments in prisch! RARRRH. nevermind. be happy okay? LET 2007 be the best for you! =D smile!
christine! =D my pri sch verygood fren!
CRAZY GIRL! (; my mum loves to call you 'kai xin guo' :D heh.hafen been talking to you for some time! but surely we'll meet up soon! :D and we'll catch up WOOTS =D continue being happy okay? :) i'm there for you all the time. dont worry. AND I HOPE YOU'RE DOING REAL FINE IN SP! (: hope ur course is fun enough. :D JIA YOU FOR UR FUTURE CAREER OKAY! you have the clearest path out of the 3 of us (shihui, you, me). coz you know what you want. WE DONT KNOW! hahaa make full use of ur 2007 okay? must keep in contact! x) LOVES!

toffie BUDDY!
buddyy! =D heh we've known each other for.. 4yrs! okay. 5! =D for some weird reason, we only got closer in sec3! AFTER we stopped being classmates LOL. we're weird ppl! (: you're one hell of a good fren lah. GOOD BUDDY! (: i miss playing badminton wif you! :D HEH. stop flirting lahHH! every time also spot for chio bus den go crazy over them LOLL -faints- still remember the times when we had tuition at MR YAP'S house LOL. damn fun lahh. JASON. loL! miss the times a lot! =D and the times when all of u always suan me -.- abt him. lol HELP ME SAY HI TO YOUR CUTE LIL SISTA! (; and ur maid! I MISS HER COOKING! rarrh shall drop by ur house someday HEH HEH :D thanks a lot! (: CATCH UP WITH YOU SOON! curseofthegoldenflower/dejavu! (: BADMINTON! =D STUDY TOGETHER! lol SMILE! happy new yr buddy!! =D

nicholas 1/2 GOR. lol
stupid partner. always making fun of my nicks -.- I'M NOT AN INDIAN, thats one. and stop mixing up thai & tamil! that's two. :D haha you're one hell of a funny person lah. grrr always so noisy one leh. and always scolding me one :( i dont like you :D haha it was a nice chalet with all of you :D HEH. and i haf photos of you slping LOLS. funny shit i shall upload it here soon LOL.and your stupid da bai tu nai tang photo :D the sweets stuffed in ur stupid ears HAHAH -faints- you've been a very nice partner lahh :D at least u did ur job lah hor :D it has been nice pairing up wif u :D and dont worry, i remember the sequence of your name. tkc.nic. RIGHT? dont tell me u dont like ppl calling u nic. LOL. x) jason loves calling u that though. HAHA. HAPPY NEW YR! (: CHEERS, and seeya soon! :D meet up wif toffie & u! :D BYE TO JUNHUAA

sunny :D the unclee
yea lahh. i'll try be a better ma'am okay? but the prob is.. ARGH. MY STUPID TIMETABLE for nx yr! :( sch ends late for me every day lehh. other than wed. which is my cca day. i'm sorry! i'll try my best :D NHNP, i'll try! rarrh. anyway.. THANKS FOR BEING SUCH A GOOD LISTENER, THANKS FOR BEING SO CARING, and thanks for forcing me to eat when i REALLY DONT WANT TO EAT! lol but good lah :) at least i noe there's someone who cares abt me! in case i die or sth. LOL :D thanks a zillion. and nx time when u buy 4D, please tell me LOL i'll start believing in ur luck HAHAHA :D cheers! :) takecare you. HAPPY NEW YR! :)
HEY!!! THANKS A ZILLION okay. for helping me make my blog lahh. nice nice :D even though i hafen seen the skin, i'm sure it's gonna be hell nice! :D so. i allow you to credit urself BIG BIG (: heh. thanks for sacrificing the last few hrs of ur 2006 to help me make my blogskin! :D STAY HAPPY, jia you in masscom! (: SMILE! =D HAPPYNEWYR! (:
ben lee; er zi!
dont worry, surely have you in my blog de (: dont be upset okay. life's full of ups and downs, learn to be strong! (: haha hope the new yr wil be better for you, and you'll stop getting upset! haha :D SMILE! i'll be there for you as long as i'm free okay :D TAKECARE YOU! :)
joyce from 25/06!
you must be real shocked to see this note here, but anyway.. its for you! :D to thank you for giving good advice and sharing your experiences with me when you knew i was upset and all. JIA YOU FOR UR RELATIONSHIP! (: it's gonna be STEADY AND STRONG ;D HAPPY NEW YR! (: and jia you for A's! :D
ivan&mandy SQUAD5!
to this couple, PLEASE JIA YOU FOR UR RELATIONSHIP! (: heh. love blossoms, and a relationship will definitely work out if both of you know how each other feels ;D so.. share with each other your feelings! :D GO GO JIA YOU! (: u can do it! =D many smiles:D u haf my blessings! :)
sansan & kevin NP!
heh ALL THE BEST FOR THE TWO OF YOU! :D lol hmm you two DAMN FARNIE LAH. dont worry, i recognise ur xiao zhu & monkey :D lol the two of u are damn steady lah :D JIA YOU! ;D hehe and HAPPY NEW YR! =D invite me to ur wedding okay :D heh. SMILE!
sam.o & ivan 1/7 2/7 frens!
heh. the old old couple :D JIA YOU! heh x) samo UR DAMN FARNIE LAH. dont worry, ivan wont betray you by talking to RJ girls -.- LOl definitely not! that'll be the last ting that'll happen HAHAHAHAHA. thanks for sending bday wishes to me every yr. COMBINED bday wishes. always must sign off as -from samo&ivan. HAHA DAMN SWEET. looking forward to seeing it again nx yr! (: too bad i cudnt see the msg tis yr :( haha SMILE! THANKS TO BOTH OF YOU! =D samo, meet up soon okay! :D LOVES! happy new yr! :D
NHNP HO & CI team!
it has been great working wif you guys for the past 1 yr. sorry if i hafen been able to commit much, but i'll try my best okay? :D shant ORD so early. so that i can serve more after A's :D anyway.. THANKS FOR THE WONDERFUL TIMES! (: all the np events.. since annualcamp05,cca extravaganza06, cc com 06, blah blah.. nco camp.. sorry i wasnt ardfor annualcamp06. but i'm glad all of you made it! :D and the camp was so successful :D GOODIE! =D LETS ALL JIA YOU FOR NP FOR THE UPCOMING YR! and.. for edwin&louis, JIA YOU FOR NS! :D for Ma'am yumei & Ma'am michelle, happy working! :D for sunny&cheehoe, JIA YOU for ur courses! studyhard sunny! stop slacking! for sansan, HAPPY SLACKING FOR THE NX FEW MTHS! heh. if you're working, let us noe! :) we will go visit you! :) for jiaqi&me, LETS PIA HARD FOR A'S nx yr! :) for jipeng&fio, HOPE YOU TWO WILL GET GOOD GRADES FOR O'S & go wherever you wanna go! :) WELCOME TO UR CI-SHIP. heh :D
we've known each other for.. 1yrplus! (: heh. nice moments with you guys.. MISS THE TIMES IN PA! (: haha but i wudnt really wanna relive the moments again=x bad times! haha routine =x HAPPY NEW YR! and i'll try make it for the nx few outings la okayy. mandy, stop screaming at me ! lol :D
THE BEST times of the yr haf been spent with you guys! =D i miss the times, i definitely do. and i cant wait to spend time with you guys again! :D lets all make ourselves free after A's okay? :D we're DEFINITLY making a trip down to SUKSASONGKROH! (: OCIPteam rocks like crazy okayy :D WE LOVE SUKSASONGKROH MAEHONGSON SCH! :D thanks a zillion to the 3 teachers, ms raudah, mr lim & mrs tan, for being ard and for taking care of us. THANK YOU NORTHERN STAR for all the precious memories! :D thank you for the bday surprises, thank you for the 17days we spent together! :) they're memories that i'll bring with me to the nx yr, nx nx yr, and many more yrs to go! :D happy new yr everyone! :D
miny & mokmok!
heh. the note shall be combined for the both of u! :D since u two are so good frens :D lol. thankew for the wonderful times in thailand! :D heh. closest to the two of u & joanne ler. hmm funny lah. still remember how mokmok tried her best to hide the angel&mortal letters from miny, and how miny complained to mokmok that her angel nv write to her LOL. and how miny&i spent our nights together (LOL SOUNDS WRONG) writing letters and all. LOL x) mokmok, thanks for trying to teach me how to make the frenship band! which failed =x LOL and iremember how u slpt and woke up and changed position and continued slping lol! thanks for being there during the 17 days, and even after the 17 days :D i reli miss u two a LOT! =D how amazing that the trip made us love each other so much :D heh. miny, I LOVE UR PENCIL CASE! :D seenoevil,hearnoevil..WHAT ELSE? cant rem the 3rd one! =x heh. I LOVE YOU TWO SO MUCH! ;D thanks a zillion for making the ocip trip much more fun! :D miss you guys! meet up soon okay? HAPPY NEW YR!
CHAT CHAI, my beloved brother
i miss you a lot! i really do. thank you for the card! i really hope that you are happy! too bad we have a communication barrier, so i never really got my msg across. but chatchai, wanyi really loves you a lot! :D you're so innocent, so cute, so sweet, and ur super smart! :D please take care when i'm not around okay? dont cry anymore, silly boy. i'll definitely visit you next yr! even my mummy volunteered to sponsor all my tickets, and she said she wants to buy stuff for you too! :D and she wants to go over to maehongson to look for you too! :) she said you're super super cute and handsome, which is 101% true! =D heh. i love you! jia you for ur studies okay? :D i'll continue sending letters & parcels to you! :D LOVES!
I MISS YOU 3 A LOT! :D arghh THANKEW FOR BEING SO SPONTANEOUS IN CLASS! that really encouraged us a lot! :D if not we wudnt haf been able to teach so well! =) you 3 are super super sweet! argh. i miss the times we sat below the tree and talked a lot :D the times we went crazy, the times we made fun of the xxxxxxxxxxx lol! and al the chats we had! argh! i really miss you all a lot! =) please take care of urselves and chatchai! :D will visit you guys soon! =) nx yr! :) LOVES!
it has been really fun to teach ur class! =D a real cute class which responds A LOT! ;D i miss teaching you guys.. and learning songs & thai words from you all! :D i didnt noe chaang is elephant! until the day when i was teaching you guys 'as big as an elephant' HEH HEH ;D thanks for all the fun,memorable,wonderful,amazing times with you guys! =D i love you all so much! :) please remember all the tings joanne&i taught you all! =D love! SMILE, AND HAPPY NEW YR! =D
really regret not spending enuff time with you guys.. coz we onli had 1 period wif you all. but anyway.. thankew for being so appreciative! you guys are really great! =D it has been real fun teaching you all the song 'at the beginning'. please remember how to sing okay? :D we'll sing again nx time.. haiz. nx time.. hmm if there's a chance of us seeing you guys.. JIA YOU FOR UR STUDIES! (: going chiangmai uni right? :D it's gonna be great! work hard, become teachers & go back to SSMS okay? :D LOVE YOU ALL! =D

STAN, singing partner for a few days!1st 3 mths has been super fun with u guys! (: OG27, nj superstar or whatever competition that was.. the tough practices we had HAHAHA (: and when i left, how upset we all were. and the times u walked me to the nj gate:D and the times when i went back to nj and looked for u! (: ur a good dancer, and i still remembe the times we went to support u for the western dance audition! (: haha MUST MEET UP SOON OKAY? i'll try crash nj if i haf the time :D HAPPY NEW YR, good good goodie fren! =D miss ya all! :D LOVES!

thanks for being there all the time. this is love that will definitely last forever, and it's love that's worth investing in. =D thank you for supporting me no matter what happens, and thank you for all the encouragement tthat really kept me going. sorry that sometimes i'm very wilful. thanks for putting up with me! =D i love all of you! :) smile! =D HAPPY NEW YR TO THE 3 OF YOU! =D love!
happy new yr everyone :D JIA YOU FOR THE NEW YR, its gonna be cool x)heh. LOOKING FORWard to it! =D

let's go somewhere only you & i know.


you're in wanyi's blog!
feel free to read & tag! (:


About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • i know you probably can see this, you probably are...
  • so tired.i'm so tired. (: of faking my smiles. of ...
  • alright, this blog is all to myself once again. hm...
  • i dont know what to believe, dont know who to trus...
  • what on earth just happened?i wish i could truly u...
  • it takes time for emotions to settle, and for me t...
  • OH AND IT FEELS SO DIFFERENT, playing houseofthede...
  • I'M NOT GIVING UP YET! ok, at this point in time, ...
  • it's the first time i feel that everything is so s...
  • you know you dont want to let go of it, but you ha...

  • Connections
