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mercredi, décembre 20 ' 21:35

it takes time for emotions to settle, and for me to feel like myself again.
or mebbe i'm already myself; someone who is strong, but at the same time, weak when it comes to relationships.
or mebbe it's just normal.. it takes time. TIME! i wished i had all the time in the world.
i wished i could control time. i wished i could.
if only i had a magic wand.. i would definitely turn back time. hmm.
i made my bday wishes, i guess the wishes came true, coz the thai people are happy. (:
i hope my xmas wishes will come true too.. and that is for you to be happy, forever.
i hope that every time i see you, you'll be smiling. if you have problems, you'll come to me and tell me.. if you are happy, the first person you think of will be me.. if you're upset, the first person who will comfort you and lend you a shoulder will be me.. if you feel that nobody else loves you, the first person who will make you feel loved will be.. me.
if only..

let's go somewhere only you & i know.


you're in wanyi's blog!
feel free to read & tag! (:


About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • OH AND IT FEELS SO DIFFERENT, playing houseofthede...
  • I'M NOT GIVING UP YET! ok, at this point in time, ...
  • it's the first time i feel that everything is so s...
  • you know you dont want to let go of it, but you ha...
  • yes i know i'm slow, but suddenly i just feel it. ...
  • feels weird topping up my farecard alone, not havi...
  • mebbe i shudnt even haf bothered to talkthen i wou...
  • hmm issit true u reli heck care me and all those? ...
  • We were strangers, starting out on a journeyNever ...

  • Connections
