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dimanche, janvier 14 ' 03:55

yet another sleepless night;

desperately trying to do my math tutorial while thinking of stuff..

wished you were here.

i dont need any one else, i need you in my life. but i know this wish will never come true again.. because i already lost you.

i wished i would be the one there to spend every minute of your life with you, i wished i would be there to give you comfort, to share your happiness with you, to crack the lamest nonsense & laugh together, smile together, go crazy together, cry together..

i guess i just didnt exactly learn how to cherish you.

so this is what i get.. and perhaps God's trying to let me know how important you really are to me, thats why i'm once again feeling so blue, so lost, so heartbroken without you.

i miss the times, i terribly do. i miss the old wanyi, the wanyi who wouldnt hide any emotions from her friends because she just used to be so happy with you around. even during the darkest moments, she didnt give up hope..

mebbe we just arent meant to be..

i miss you, i miss everything that we've gone through, i miss your sweet voice, i miss how you used to whine to me like pigandowner, i miss reading all the letters you wrote to me, i miss all the sms-es we used to send as though we had unlimited smses, i miss taking 852 from nj & taking 851/852/853 from aj. i miss the feeling of you standing outside the gate waiting for me after my tiring afternoon pe, i miss the times i rushed over to westmall just to see you, i miss the smile on your face, i miss my own smile.. and i hafen felt as happy ever since.. the day you went away.

if only..

let's go somewhere only you & i know.


you're in wanyi's blog!
feel free to read & tag! (:


About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • christine & i in the lrt :D6D gathering! (: wooots...
  • was seriously exhausted, so i didnt blog after i r...
  • -yawn- TIRED! haha came sch wif a couple today LOL...
  • every day's a tiring day for me, and wanyi's sleep...
  • omigoshzorzz i just realised i blog in school ever...
  • 15 more mins before i'm busy again. so shall just ...
  • it's just one of the emo days today. haha. CUT MY ...
  • CAME BACK FROM NP! (: finally! =) CAN DIE OKAYY. d...
  • HEY JAMES or whoever,just to let you know. check t...

  • Connections
