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samedi, février 17 ' 16:05

1. Start Time: 4.06pm
2. Name: LEE WAN YI
3. Nickname: shortie! birdnest! kuruvikuudu! yellow bitch! asshole! chilli crab!
4. Astrology sign: sagittarius
5. Gender: female
7. Hair color: black
8. Eye color: brown
10. Favorite color: hmm. ORANGE&BLACK must come together! GOLD! dirty green :D
11. Glasses: i hardly wear them!
13. tattoos: nahh!
14. Birthplace: malaysia!
15. Area code: DUNCH TELL YOU.
16. friends: LOL! yea

******HAVE YOU EVER*****
17. cut your own hair? : YES!
18. done something in the pastregret? : hmm.. dont want to think
19. Have you ever met someone you were not supposed to? maybe..
21. Skipped school? : yep. many times haha
22. Bungee jumped? : no! ):
24. Punched someone? : HAHA. no!
25. Cheated on someone? : no
26. Been arrested? : for what? stealing people's heart ah. i returned it alr
27. Broken into someones house? : LOL no? im not that crazee!
28. Been to a funeral? : yea once
32. Used a lighter? : yep! burn my np boots!

34. Season: i dont know!
36. Ice cream flavor: hmm.. it depends!
37. School subject(s): lol PE!
38. Candy: too many!
39. Breakfast: blueberry waffle+ honey!
40. Juice: ehh. anything! not some idiotic tomato or carrot blended can alr
41. Book(s): ehh. anything!
42. Movie(s): hmm. dont have
43. Song(s): my fave song for today is.. ITENDSTONIGHT!
50. Letter(s): hmm..
51. Favorite fast food restaurant : hmm dont know leh. probably longjohnsilver or BK?
52. Disney Princess: heh i only like winniethepooh & baby minnie!
53. TV station: err anything one lah i dont watch tv
54. Name for a son + name for a daughter: i dont think it's relevant anymore.

******DO YOU PREFER*****
56. Chocolate or Vanilla? : CHOCOLATE!
57. Alcoholic or not? : hmm it's not good to drink too much!
60. Scary movies or comedies? : both!
61. Short or long hair? : hmm STYLE!
62. Croutons or bacon bits? : BACON!

64. Mexicans in general: mac-he-co!
65. School: aj!
66. Grass: goat
67. Cow: shit
68. Canada: pizza
69. Mouse: BABY MINNIE!
70. Hands: 2 hands with the shape of a heart

******THE PAST 3 DAYS, HAVE YOU******
71. Watched a movie? : nope (:
72. Talked on the phone? : DUH -.-
73. Cried? : yup
74. Choked? : with emotions
75. Drank a glass of water? : -.- nono i drank many glasses
76. Done Drugs? : no lah -.-
77. Read a book or magazine? : yaaa
78. Watched TV? : i think so =x
79. Looked in the mirror? : yea
80. Taken a shower? : yea i dont stink that badly!
81. Taken a picture? : YEA MANY!
82. Listened to music? : yeaa
83. Kissed someone? : past 3 days? no
84. Told someone you liked them? : i dont think so. BUT I CONFESSED MY LOVE FOR SHORTIE! LOL
85: End time: 4.26pm

01] Is there someone who you like at the moment?- yep.
O2] Have you ever given or been given roses?- yep. both.
O3] What is your all-time favorite romance movie?- my own movie! haha
O4] How many times can you honestly say you've been in love?- im not sure.
O5] Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?- yea
O6] Do you think that you should be friends first?- yea
O7] Have you ever had your heartbroken?- yea
O8] What do you think about long-distance relationship?- no harm trying as long as there's love & trust.
O9] Your thoughts on online relationships?- i have no idea
1O] Would you rather date someone five years older or younger?- hmm. anything lah
11] Have you ever seen a friend as more than a friend?- yea. good friend!
12] Do you believe the statement, "Once a cheater always a cheater"?- i think it depends
13] How many ids do you want to have?- whats that?
14] Do you usually fall for a wrongboy/girl or the right boy/girl?- how would i know
15] What is your favorite color(s)?- i mentioned this jus now! so.. shant answer it again
16] What are your views on gay marriage?- i think its okay mah :D and lesbianmarriage is okay too!
17] Have you ever broken someones heart?- hmm.. yea i guess
18] Imagine you're 79 & your spouse just died, would you re-marry?- obviously not -.-
19] At what age did you start noticing the opposite sex?- how would i remember
2O] What song do you want to hear at your wedding?- more than words

1. Talk to a boy/girl you like? erm. 'talk' isnt the exact word
2. Realize anything new? yea. plenty of stuff
3. Is Rihanna Hot? yea i guess
4. Miss someone? yea

5. Slept in your bed? my bear haha
6. Last person that saw/heard u cry? haha. i think any one from toilet gang
7. You went to the movies with? northernstar!
9. You said "I love you" to and meant it? if LOVE is friend-friend kind, i just told YVONNE! if LOVE is more than just friend-friend kind, it has to be him

10. Made you laugh? haha my aunt
11. Said they loved you? hmm.. CANT SAY! lol
12. Called you in the middle of the night? wow i cant rem!
13. Do you have a crush on someone? i dont know. not a crush lah

14. What book are you reading now? im doing this, how to read?
15. Best feeling in the world? to be loved by someone you love.
16. Favorite location? hmm.. i dont know.
17. Piercing/tattoos? not too many.
18. What are you most scared of right now? hmm.. not sure
19. Where do you want to get married? anything lah it doesnt matter anymore
20. Who do you really hate? i dont hate!
21. Does anyone really hate you? yea of course
22. Do you like being around people? hmm it depends
23. Have you ever cried? name me a person who hasnt cried befre
24. Are you lonely right now? erm. depends on how u want to see it. but yea, i guess. subconsciously
25. Song stuck in your head right now?ITENDSTONIGHT!
26. Been on radio/TV? heh no
27. Ever liked someone, but you think they never noticed you? im not sure
28. Ever liked someone who treated you like crap? erm shant comment
29. How many beds did you lay in yesterday? one lah. how many you want.
30. What color shirt are you wearing? black
32. How much cash do you have right now?LOL pathetic. shant say.
35. Who got you to join my space? dont know lah cant rem
36. What did you have for dinner last night? hmm.. yoshinoya!
39. Are you a member of FriendWise.com? what the heck
40. Do you have plants in your room? -.- yea flowers. fake ones
41. Does anything hurt on your body right now? the heart
42. Where was your last cab ride? cant rem. from aj to nh
44. Would you have a problem if your friend went after your ex? anything lah no right to care

okay. damn sian after doing all these. shall continue watching my naruto episode 221 :D

happy chinese new year everyone. :) may worries be gone & friendships stay strong.

happy cny to my family!
happy cny to TOILET GANG!
happy cny to 25/06!
happy cny to s14 & og27 peeps!
happy cny to trackers!
happy cny to nhnp!
happy cny to black bastard & the rest of the indians in my class!
happy cny to nh classmates!
happy cny to the rest of my friends! :D

& i hope you stay happy.

let's go somewhere only you & i know.


you're in wanyi's blog!
feel free to read & tag! (:


About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • (: TIRED! spent one whole day out shopping wif mar...
  • went shopping with lovelies today! (: haha shortie...
  • omigosh ): my war&beauty show ended alr ): sad end...
  • :D crazy alr =D woke up so late today. so i didn't...
  • screwed up badly! for today. looks lyk the 4 bulls...
  • taken long ago! RARH.mini ocip outing! :D SEE NO ...
  • ;D shortie & tallies are funny lah! >.< sorry i pa...

  • Connections
