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vendredi, mars 3 ' 23:57

wat a day (: filled with sadness and sorrow. haha but at the same time.. the unwillingness to leave nj. and now then i realised how unfair this world is.. (: that's life eh? guess this is a good setback (: at least i've come to realise i cannot take tings for granted.. and i really must cherish my times wif other ppl.. i took for granted i'd stay in nj.. in the end, other 9 pointers stayed while i got posted to aj.. how nice (: but nehmind xD like wat all of u said, its better trying rather than not even apppealing at all (: thats why i went to appeal. i know its most probably gonna be unsuccesful, but at least i tried. if not i'd go aj wif regrets. haha.

to all those who didnt get into the jc u want, dont be discouraged! its not the end of the world! please know that there're definitely ppl who are there for u, supporting u! (: SO SMILE! =) work harder for A's and outshine the rest xD haha

thankew to all the ppl who consoled me today.. all the njc-ians! esp my classmates! and some nh-rians.. val (: and obviously darling! =) thankew so much (: val u're forever so logical and sensible la (: thankew for making me feel much better xD

darlingg! (: ah the show's damn farnie can. haha i laughed like mad. and i cudnt bear to cry in front of u :( haha u're just so cute xD cant cry the moment i see u la! -huggs- loveya lots! thankew sweetie (: forever! =)

ah BYE NJC (: dont tink i'll get in despite appealing, but watever it is, dont miss me too much kae (: no chilli crab so wat. u all can eat other stuff (: hopefully bunny stays and u all can eat him instead x) take care 06s14! and take care OG 27! (: I'LL MISS ALL OF U! :( -weeps- rock on k? thankew for the fabulous 3 mths in nj! (: it has been great! not the teachers, not the school itself, but the people. O6S14 rocks forever! =) xie xie! (: lucks to everyone, be it in RJ, HCI, NJC, AJC, ACJC or NYJC! =) SMILE!


let's go somewhere only you & i know.


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About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • ah. gonna know our posting results tml. come to ti...
  • ah yday was really fun (: during the last detail. ...
  • HAHAH all 06s14 photos (: according to popular dem...
  • weeeets i waited for a zilllllion years for this d...
  • omigosh i tink my phone rocks can (: its super fun...
  • ahhhh (: nh cc boys' team, well done! =) weeeets o...
  • ahh bad day today (: haha. coz stupid ju-on pissed...
  • damn this week (:k lets think about happier stuff ...
  • ARGH. its friday tml! exciting and scary la =\ dar...
  • sometimessssssssssLETTING GO SEEMS HARD (: hahahaa...

  • Connections
