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vendredi, avril 21 ' 18:51

1. single, crushing, interested, or in a relationship?
in a relationship :D

2. are you happy with where you are?
yea im definitely happy living in this beautiful world of love, deep in his heart :D

3. when you meet the right person, do you fall fast?
LOL hmm.. lets see. bring me back to 22nd june 05 when i first talked to him face-to-face :D

4. have you ever had your heart broken?
yea, but somehow he mended it back for me :D

5. do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is acceptable?
eh. i dunno! cant tink of any at this moment =)

6. would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you?
dont suppose so. will be too upset to do anyth abt it i guess. or mebbe its too insignificant. depends on who

7. have you talked about marriage with another person?
HEEE. like DUH. :D this is one of the more popular qns my classmates asked me these few days =)

8. do you want children?
DUH! no matter how painful delivery is, i'll still want :D :D

9. how many?
oh. right now i alr haf 2. so eh.. hmm. 9 more to form a soccer team first, den another dunno how many reserves :D to form a full soccer team yeah? :)

10. would you consider adoption?
hmm i dont mind =)

11. if somebody liked you right now, what do you think a cool unique way of showing you would be?
hmm just piss off :D that'll be the best

12. do you enjoy playing hard to get?
depends la =) i didnt have to do that in that short period of 30days (:

13. be honest. do you play the "game" when you are dating?
eh. wat game? hmm

14. do you believe love at first sight exists?
hmm. yea i guess =)

15. are you romantic?
eh. mebbe not that romantic. ask him la :D haha

16. do you believe that you can change someone?
hmm depends on who the person is (: mebbe. mebbe not :D more like someone can change me haha

17. if you could get married anywhere, would money not be an object?
money is not the matter :)

19. do you easily give in when you are fighting?
eh. depends la. but somehow will still give in (: whoever gives in first doesnt matter (: but yea. hardly fight =)

20. do you have feelings for someone right now? whether they know or not?
diaos. anyone can answer this qn for me =D

22. have you ever broken a heart?
erm. haha yea i guess. but tt was a long time ago. what matters most is that i wont break my darling's heart in any way (:

23. what will happen if you come home & find another person in your bed with yourboyfriend/girlfriend?
eh that will never happen (:

24. would you ever fight somebody over your significant other?
dont suppose so. all up to him IF there's such a prob (: dont tink it'll ever happen la :D

25. if you knew someone liked you right now, what would you say to them?
if u're not kenneth lui yan wei, just shooo please. my heart has no place for you. haha thankew :D

whenever it's the start of the week, i'll pray for friday to come asap so that i can have a good rest (at least i'd spend quite some time at home instead of going sch, wasting energy paying attention in class and stuff). and time will crawl till friday =( and i'd haf sth on on sat mornings -.-
when it was tuesday this weeek, i wished i could just skip wed thurs and fri of the week so that he can leave sg earlier and enjoy himself without my company so that i'll stop making him upset.
then on wednesday, i thought perhaps it'd be better if i was given a chance to make him happy for thurs and friday, so i prayed hard that we'd meet, talk on the phone, or at least send happy sms-es. but it didnt reli turn out well.
so on thursday morning, i was thinking of ways to make him smile =) got disappointed for a while. but any sane soul could seee the super significant difference WHEN HE MSG-ED ME AND SAID I COULG DROP BY FOR A WHILE. =D =D u cudnt imagine the joy when i saw him smile and felt the warmth of his embrace. we had a pretty good talk at night, and i had a very good sleep, except that i was worried for him coz he's sick =(
IT'S AN EMOTIONAL DAY! AH BUT I SERIOUSLY HAD FUN KICKING SOCCER, PLAYING WITH HIS TIE AND HIS HAIR AND YEA. ALL THE HE-KNOWS-WHATs. haha my silly boy (: we didnt have to get soo emotional just now eh? =) -hugs- my cute lil pig (: u're so cute when ur t**rs flow like some river =p
BUT ITS JUST ONE WEEEK! (: sweetie. if we can bu she de each other so much when u're just going for a weeek, wat abt the time when u're going NS? or when u go overseas? haha we can sit there for 3 days 3 nights and flood the room =)

i'll miss you so much so much so much so superr much (: no worries one weeek will fly past :D but if u're really enjoying urself there, hope it'll crawl slowly for you =) im just gonna survive the one weeek la :) no worries abt me -hugs- iloveyou my darling (: see you soon k? :D must take care and all x) dont make me worry about you =) if not i'll haf more wrinkles and white hair. den will become uglier =(

i love the way you hug me so tightly its as though you're never gonna let me go

(: 7.21pm

let's go somewhere only you & i know.


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feel free to read & tag! (:


About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • sigh my expenses tis month is pretty high =( oh an...
  • i've seen you drop silent tears and the heartwarmi...
  • rarrh. OH as u see, i had an ORDINARY day, and ive...
  • IM BORED :D yet there's nth for me to blog abt. x)...
  • it makes u so tired u dont want to thinkah tyt u h...
  • bad day. i seriously dislike aj pe. nothing's wors...
  • bad month. like a few ppl ard me (indirect relatio...
  • -munches on my 10 COUrSE meal- rarrrh. x)haha i sh...
  • ah this week has been so tiring. have been standin...

  • Connections
