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samedi, mars 4 ' 22:18

4 yrs ago, i experienced the pain of separation. 4 yrs later, i experience it again. :) its not easy letting go.. just 2 mths and i've had so beautiful memories in nj.. guess i'll take quite some time to settle down in my new college. ah why is this happening to all the ppl x(

this always happens to me. i always screw up my major exams.. and get into schs i dislike. its all so different now.. might as well dont go sch anymore (: sigh.

haiz. hi bev lets meet in aj (: ah and all the other ppl. we're all so poor ting =)

let's go somewhere only you & i know.


you're in wanyi's blog!
feel free to read & tag! (:


About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • wat a day (: filled with sadness and sorrow. haha ...
  • ah. gonna know our posting results tml. come to ti...
  • ah yday was really fun (: during the last detail. ...
  • HAHAH all 06s14 photos (: according to popular dem...
  • weeeets i waited for a zilllllion years for this d...
  • omigosh i tink my phone rocks can (: its super fun...
  • ahhhh (: nh cc boys' team, well done! =) weeeets o...
  • ahh bad day today (: haha. coz stupid ju-on pissed...
  • damn this week (:k lets think about happier stuff ...
  • ARGH. its friday tml! exciting and scary la =\ dar...

  • Connections
