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dimanche, mars 5 ' 10:39

ah mummy and dadddy's gonna make a trip down to aj to check out the fastest route (: haha. ah. sigh.

i guess its just God's will to put me in aj. mebbe i'll learn to be more independent.

sometimes we dont have a choice. how important this word is. haha. mebbe its a blessing that i chose aj as my 2nd choice. if i chose acjc, i might have regretted badly. haha.

this is going to be a tough 2 yrs

i'm just gonna survive.

this's gonna be very stressful. hopefully my class is not a mugger class =) and hope i can get PCME H2.

i'm gonna do just fine in aj eh? no more nj. their loss. (: ah my dear frenz dont be upset that im gone haha. will still catch up wif u guys some time =) AH BEN, KELLY AND HUIJUIN, hopefully u all can get into nj using ur CCAs! :) jia you! =) there's reli no hope for wanyi la. so dont even hope (:

k im just gonna try to forget abt this painful incident (: i refuse to think about it anymore. lucks to everyone on mon! be it ppl who are going to their original jc/their desired jc/a totally hostile environment. haiz

pray for me! that i wont die in aj. please. I DONT WANT A MUGGER CLASS.

see all the nh-rians and my pri sch frens in aj! hhaha (: looks like there's quite a few eh. not from 6D`01 thou. sigh.

wanyi dont forget there's others who are as upset or feeling even worse than you =) ppl meet up wif obstacles in their lives everyday.. ur seniors say u're brave (: haha. so wat if u fell down? just a small injury. x) stand up! :)

ah but i just cant stop being pessimistic. we're gonna have more commitments. you have ur commitments in np too.. in church.. just like now. u cant even reply my msg (: im not blaming u duh. but its just equally depressing knowing that this is gonna be a tough tough tough tough 2yr journey. haha. k nevermind we'll brave thru all storms together =)




let's go somewhere only you & i know.


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About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • 4 yrs ago, i experienced the pain of separation. 4...
  • wat a day (: filled with sadness and sorrow. haha ...
  • ah. gonna know our posting results tml. come to ti...
  • ah yday was really fun (: during the last detail. ...
  • HAHAH all 06s14 photos (: according to popular dem...
  • weeeets i waited for a zilllllion years for this d...
  • omigosh i tink my phone rocks can (: its super fun...
  • ahhhh (: nh cc boys' team, well done! =) weeeets o...
  • ahh bad day today (: haha. coz stupid ju-on pissed...

  • Connections
