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vendredi, janvier 26 ' 22:20

:D one of the slackest days i can ever haf! =) tutorials quite slack :D WOOOTS. and sch ended early. 12.15 =) and went to play the table-soccer thing in nexus! :D with mok, jarrel (HE CRASHED AJ! AND I HAD TO BRING HIM IN AND GET CAUGHT IN THE STUPID RAIN!), dean & a few more J1s. lol dont even know them though LOL damn fun lahh! =D went crazy and the soccer ball kept flying out of the thingy. WOOTS. =D finally got to play after saying about it for such a long time! :DD nexus rocks. AJ ROCKS! =D must play more when i haf the time. :D

did some chem revision & was stuck at the 1st tutorial qn! -.- so i went to look for my BESTEST CHEM TEACHER! ms chen! =D she rocks like crazy lah! :DDD i love ms chen! :D there's sth wrong wif the 1st qn thats why i cudnt do it lah :D i knew it. how can i actually not know how to do chem! HAHA.

had a super slack training today. coz there's competition tml! :D yayness. ^^ basically we just did some warmup, gym-ed.. thats all :D HAHAHA AND CRAPPED A HELL LOT wif those crazy idiots ^^ kingyin is FARNIE. lol BUT MY SPASTICWOMAN is the farniest lah lol -faints- and we were making fun of *********************** HAHAHAHAHA okay i dont know how many * i pressed, but anyway.. YEA. hahahahaa :DD & i reached home at 7+! CAN U BELIEVE IT. omigosh DAMN HAPPY TODAY =D so i finished my halogen derivatives. like FINALLY. shall attempt hydroxyl later :D before i slp. =)

thanks to some ppl who made my day! :D namely SPASTICWOMAN, MY BESTEST CHEM TEACHER CUM PDG TUTOR MS CHEN, KINGYIN, VIRNICE, CLARISSA, SEEDUM, ASSHOLE! :D today rocks like mad lah ^^ mebbe its just coz i played my fave game @ nexus & i managed to come home early & rest during the break between dismissal time & training =) & that asshole gave in to me! :D


ms chen, thanks for being there! :D seriously, THANKS A LOT! =D ur like. the rock-iest teacher in AJ! (: rarrh & i feel HELL BETTER after talking to you! :D THANKS A LOT! =D

seedum&spasticwoman, PLEASE TAKE CARE OF UR KNEE & LEG! =) and for all AJ trackers, JIA YOU FOR TOMORROW'S COMP! =D

to a NEW group of people, please use ur kuku heads. hafen seen ppl who are smarter than you geniuses :D -bows & kowtows to you guys- PLEASE WAKE UP UR BLOODY IDEA, USE UR FUCKING BRAINS (if there's any) AND DISCERN. if you cant think, then fuck it! stop irritating people around you, coz no one benefits from all these fucking crap. =) and you can seriously shut up coz nobody needs to listen to you speak. =) please behave like a bloody 17/18 =) thankew.

let's go somewhere only you & i know.


you're in wanyi's blog!
feel free to read & tag! (:


About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • just trying to tell a few of YOU out there.. you'r...
  • (: i drank 100pass worss :D and i ran PLUS someone...
  • fredaus; 29th aug. i'll remember, dont wry. :D lol...
  • played wif me-ah-moto! or whatever the spelling is...
  • NO TIME TO BLOG YDAY! (: reached home pretty late,...
  • 3 CHEERS & 3 CHEERS & 3 CHEERS FOR WANYI! (:hiphip...
  • relatively short day compared to any other week da...
  • DIES! must discuss stuff with bigcow again, then s...
  • I shouldn't love you but I want you I just can't t...
  • ALERT! (: every one reading this, IF YOU'RE at lea...

  • Connections
