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jeudi, janvier 18 ' 20:02

relatively short day compared to any other week day! (: haha quite a boring day, but luckily GP lecture was a timed practice (: TO WHAT EXTENT SHOULD RICHER NATIONS HELP POORER NATIONS? heh :D

met up wif NORTHERNSTAR after school today! (: heh saw the pics & got very much reminded of the trip again! hah and danial was still talking about the 25cm lizard friend :D lol! miss ocip! =( LOVE THE THAI KIDS LIKE CRAZY LAHH. esp my chatchai! :DDD peishan's fren said chatchai is xiao shuaige! (: YAY =D

dropped off at woodlands wif peishan & seedum! haha went to walkwalk & all lah. :D BOUGHT WINNIETHEPOOH stickers! (: yayyy :D my favourite :D

& im not going for training tomorrow.. coz i hafta go for np. ha. (: bad! coz that means i must do SDL ALONE. sian diao! but nevermind. no choice wat. RARRHH. & looks like i cant watch devilwearsprada liao! :( coz i'll still be in clementi when they start screening it :(

& we're makin class jersey! (: like FINALLy! wanted to put 28 as the no. de. but changed it in the end! haha to 01! coz i think im asshole no.1! & the words that's gonna be at the back of my shirt's are "s.hole" LOL tried writing elohssa at first but its too ugly LOL den changed to ELOHSSA but still very ugly ): so i changed to s.hole! :D hehh. :) assholes rock! LOL sounds damn wrong

& that stupid seedum was smsing me during gp timed practice? when we were in the same LT? LOL! always lidat one leh. purposely waste my sms & make my bills explode huh. later 3 digit bills n i'll kill you! :D okay, not entirely ur fault LOL (:

& i forgot to buy food for my mum today! =( her fave baked potato + tuna thingy. RARRH im gonna buy it for her tomorrow! & pass it to her before i go for np tomorrow! :D heh. sry mummy!

OKAY, HOMEWORK TIME (: serious work! =D

i just time proved we can actually do without each other. actually i guess that the fact that we lived 16yrs without each other probably already showed that we can do without each other..but somehow ur still in my heart. hmmm

and there are so many changes in life, we dont even noe whats gonna happen next. gets a lil tiring when you realise there's nothing much to hope for in the next moment, and you know that you cant get what you want, or mebbe you dont even know what to hope for.. for fear that you'll only be more hurt.
and its really scary to know the fact that any thing can happen the nx moment, and nothing is for sure..

& we were actually so sure about furimmer..

I'm sorry I didn't mean to call
but I couldn't fight it
I guess I was weak and couldn't even hide it
and so I surrender just to hear your voice
I know how many times I said
I'm gonna to live without you
and maybe someone else is standing there beside you
but there's something baby that you need to know
that deep inside me I feel like I'm dying
I have to see you it's all that I'm asking.
Vida, give me back my fantasies
the courage that I need to live
the air that I breathe
carino mio, my world becomes so empty
my day's are so cold and lonely
and each night I taste
the purest of pain.
I wish I could tell you I'm feeling better every day
that it didn't hurt me when you walked away
but to tell you the truth I can't find my way
and deep inside me I feel like I'm dying
I have to see you it's all that I'm asking.
Vida, give me back...

let's go somewhere only you & i know.


you're in wanyi's blog!
feel free to read & tag! (:


About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • DIES! must discuss stuff with bigcow again, then s...
  • I shouldn't love you but I want you I just can't t...
  • ALERT! (: every one reading this, IF YOU'RE at lea...
  • yet another sleepless night;desperately trying to ...
  • christine & i in the lrt :D6D gathering! (: wooots...
  • was seriously exhausted, so i didnt blog after i r...
  • -yawn- TIRED! haha came sch wif a couple today LOL...
  • every day's a tiring day for me, and wanyi's sleep...
  • omigoshzorzz i just realised i blog in school ever...

  • Connections
