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dimanche, janvier 21 ' 12:27

NO TIME TO BLOG YDAY! (: reached home pretty late, watched the stupid horrorshow which wasted 2hr15mins of my entire life.. HAHA. stupid lah!

wah saturday was pretty cool :D at least i was in a good mood lah ^^ nothing to ruin my day :D heh. anyways. the day started when my dad woke me up at 6.30am =x coz fio was trying so badly to wake me up but her morning calls all failed =x and then she called my house and my dad woke up, not me. LOL. luckily she called my house.or i'd haf been late for the briefing! LOL. RARRRH DAMN PIG WORS. & then i saw jp in the bus :D so i stopped stoning & got out of my seat to talk to him (coz he was standing mah). DAMN NICE OF ME RIGHT. lol okay, so WENT TO JP with jp LOL! okay, jurong point(jp) macs. to buy the stupid scamming-money sausagemcmuffin+milo. LOL 4.15 LAH. bloody shit. usually onli 2+bucks lorr! okay fine. it was a saturday ): so i didnt eat lunch lah idiot! lol

the briefing was onli 0.5hr & we had tryouts! (: airrifle worss. DONT MESS. lol so fun! (: my aiming isnt that bad kay. its time for me to train my left arm. so heavy lah. my left arm was shaking and it was so hard to make the dot & the circles align -.- BUT ITS DAMN FUN! (: going hometeamNS to train soon :D HEH. SO FUN SO FUN. lol the ncos damn farnie lah :D must pia hard okay x) so that we can learn sth from it :D lol my onli concern is that i may not haf the time to go down for the training course =( see how ba. westwood is rich lah! got so many air rifles. SO SHUANG (: -envious-

then rushed off to meet ASSHOLE @ cityhall lol :D was late lahh. BUT NEVERMINDD. who cares huh =x lol but its rare i'd be late lahh huh. lol so.. went to eat macs but obviously i didnt eat. coz i got scammed in the morning. but somehow i ended up koping fries & i ate a sundae! :D wooots HELL NICE =DD heh. i love hot fudge sundae! (: so many bball shoes lah. and the stupid shops are all so smalL! cant even move. still had to put our bags on the floor -.- WAH BUT SOME SHOES ARE REALLY HELL NICE! cool wors. AND WTHHHHHH the aasics shoes are ULTRA UBER NICE okay. owns the rest of the shoes. even saucony shoes cant fight! dont mess wif aasics shoes worss :D WAH FRIGGING CHIO. but im not gonna waste my money on shoes. =DD not anymore. BROKE! lol so.. ended up not buying any shoes at all coz asshole is so fussy lah -.- lOL and he wanted to get me a bag worss. LOL. THE MINI CRUMPLER lOL! but the nice wanyi obviously didnt want lah. how can. :D the chio pencil case is enuff le x) rushed off to meet soon, aik, itchy, mok, mokmok & JARREL DI. lol while asshole went to church lah (: heh. LOUSY LAH. asshole also blur lor. still dare say im blur -.- AND HE'S CLUMSY! CLUMSY SHIT. who knocked all the stupid shoes off the shelf lah. LOL. & still brought me to the wrong platform. LOL toopid :D

MISS MOKMOK SO MUCH! ): miss ocip! RARRH. soon damn farnie lah! we played lots of stuff can. THE TABLE SOCCER! HELL FUN! (: and played a bit of pool (LOL! at least i managed to get some in).rare that i'll agree to play pool okay :D LOL wah frigging hell. im gonna play tablesoccer in nexus lah! so fun lah! i dont care im pulling joanne & seedum along with me LOL. SO FUN LAH. omigoshzorzzz :DDDD then we ordered pizza but they said, 'sorry, we cannot deliver due to bad weather. if you go to any of our stores, we can give u a 20% discount.' SO WE WENT TO THE CLEMENTI OUTLET. (: wooots BBQCHICKENSUPREME rocks :D DAMN NICE WORSS. :D but onli 2 pieces. OKAY LAH. quite full. x) but obviously the guys werent full -.- lousy shit. LOL DEN WE PLAYED BRIDGE ALL THE WAY. crazy one lahh :D so fun! (: hahaha mok was hell funny. kept getting confused coz he didnt noe who his partner was. hahaha den mok kept calling mokmok to be his partner. bro & sis pair up wors. but soon & i kept winning LOl. we powerzorzz. LOL. no lah nv win all the time. HELL FUN LAH omigosh. shall go play mahjong nx sat LOL provided i haf time on saturday (:

den i missed all my buses -.- took pics wif mokmok before we left! (: i miss mokmok lah. haiz. and ocip! =( okay, saw this adult at the bus stop. had a cool encounter with her.somehow i felt very bad after she left.. hmm must really be grateful that we have comfortable lives.. must keep on reminding myself not to ask for more (: RARRH! okay, cannot splurge alr! =D rarrh! depressing lah. sigh.

heh. was bitching about stuff with asshole & sister & seedum. damn fun lah :D okay. not excessively. LOL. eh, that makes me a bitch zorzzz =x but omigoshzorzz. who said 'bitching about stuff' means the person's a bitch? then what if guys bitch about stuff? does it mean they are bitches too? LOL. then asshole & seedum are bitches! =x

and. and. today is a good day worss. coz its 21st worss! val laogong, we rock lah. i love you. :D

kay. good day to mug (: gonna start soon :D WOOOTS. x) nx week is another hectic week. but i know how to manage my time well huh :D everyday also reach home at 9pm but i still have time to study. and i dont go out wif ppl on weekdays wors (: onli saturdays wors. unless ppl ask me out on thurs worss! LOL gonna shop for someone's bday pressie! thursday! okay, 3 prezzies. that means im gonna be hell broke. zero dollar left. =( saturday busy wors. COMPETITION WORS! okay, pia hw soon! :D damn slack lah!

anyways. louis lim k.l is farnie! LOL. stop hao-lianing that you remember all the stuff i write here! LOL and all of you are here to make me confused! TSKTSKTSK (: luckily edwin wasnt ard yday. if not i'd haf been more confused LOl jipeng fio & seedum fren worss =D so bad! lol dont make me confused anymore (: (: (: -cries- CONFUSED! lol

OH. AND! AND! i'm free on vday nite! (: for booking enquires, please email st0pped_@hotmail.com or add this email to your msn contact (: but if u wanna call, u can call 999 =\ okay no! lol hmm WAHAHAHAHAS. publicity! :D

let's go somewhere only you & i know.


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feel free to read & tag! (:


About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • 3 CHEERS & 3 CHEERS & 3 CHEERS FOR WANYI! (:hiphip...
  • relatively short day compared to any other week da...
  • DIES! must discuss stuff with bigcow again, then s...
  • I shouldn't love you but I want you I just can't t...
  • ALERT! (: every one reading this, IF YOU'RE at lea...
  • yet another sleepless night;desperately trying to ...
  • christine & i in the lrt :D6D gathering! (: wooots...
  • was seriously exhausted, so i didnt blog after i r...
  • -yawn- TIRED! haha came sch wif a couple today LOL...

  • Connections
