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samedi, janvier 27 ' 22:54

:DDDDDDD it is a SUPER GREAT DAY today! =D very tired after a day's activities though. but it was fulfilling! =) and as though i really achieved a lot! :D

HAD TRACK LUNCH @ j8 and we all ate from the chickenrice stall can. ITS DAMN NICE! =D and then walked joanne to the bus interchange & crapped wif her until her bus was there.. and went to meet the rest again :) had a REALLY GOOD RUN! =D of coz we didnt win (duh, im not a long d runner leh) but well.. TESTED MY DETERMINATION! haha im not that determined afterall huh =x but well. I FINISHED THE RUN faster than expected! :D 20mins? 4.2k? i didnt give my best shot, so i guess i actually haf the potential! LOL and everywhere was super muddy and slippery. nearly fell once and i kept stepping into puddles of MUD. lol so now my beloved aasics shoes are SUPER MUDDY AND WET.

AJ TRACK ROCKS! =D cheers to all of us! :D somehow we kinda did our best lah huh. mebbe other than me. shud haf chiong-ed more HAHA. was so slack lah! and no one to pace me properly =( haha GOOD JOB, AJ TRACKERS! :D

saw a few ppl! like juzzie & aaron. & yea.. cool ppl. LOL =D interesting experience! cant wait for more long d competitions! :D but i was kinda tired during the race huh. nearly wanted to give up but didnt! =D didnt really sweat coz it was raining quite badly and i guess we were all wet coz of the rain and the mud. HAHA. =D omigosh HAPPY DAY! ^^ clarissa, virnice, wanling, xuelin, rama..HOPE UR INJURIES GET BETTER SOON! =D same to wanyi! haha ^^

okay, & i went to meet someone SUPER BHB after our guys finished running. :D @ amk LOL and train-ed to cityhall, ate ljs & walked to many many many many places. LOL until i lost track of where we went to! >.<>.<>.< and we were stalking couples LOL damn fun leh! ^^ heh. and we were guessing which guy is horny LOL so lame lahh -.- and we were hell out of place @ rooftop terrace! & it didnt feel quite right, and it wasnt that shuang when we were @ the rooftop terrace! THERE'S STH WRONG WIF HIM LAH, not me! its just him =D hahahahaha mebbe thats how ppl feel when they go with frens! and surrounded by couples! LOL! and i failed to shop for my sister's prezzie in the end ): coz by the time we finished walking, it was like.. very late alr? and i just reached home wors! LOL. sho late wors. RARRRH. :) GOOD DAY! ^^


let's go somewhere only you & i know.


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feel free to read & tag! (:


About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • :D one of the slackest days i can ever haf! =) tut...
  • just trying to tell a few of YOU out there.. you'r...
  • (: i drank 100pass worss :D and i ran PLUS someone...
  • fredaus; 29th aug. i'll remember, dont wry. :D lol...
  • played wif me-ah-moto! or whatever the spelling is...
  • NO TIME TO BLOG YDAY! (: reached home pretty late,...
  • 3 CHEERS & 3 CHEERS & 3 CHEERS FOR WANYI! (:hiphip...
  • relatively short day compared to any other week da...
  • DIES! must discuss stuff with bigcow again, then s...
  • I shouldn't love you but I want you I just can't t...

  • Connections
