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vendredi, février 2 ' 22:33

IT WAS A GREAT DAY! :D cause i passed my math test LOL & ms yak cancelled the econs test! :D WOOHOO. thats why i had such a great day :D lol oh. & went spasticauntie's grandma's house wif marmie & shortie :D den went for xcountry! spasticauntie & i practically walked a few k before we reached the right bishan park -.- aiya whatever lah! >.<>.< and. got individual 4th! :D team 2nd! :D wooots =) TRACKERS RULE! :D took a grp photo for those trackers who won. practically.. each level got at least 2 or 3 who got top5 :D woots. =) and i guess my personal best is still improving :D better keep improving! x) leg hurt a lot but yea. I MANAGED TO SURVIVE! actually thanks to kinkyy :D if not i'd haf slow jogged at the last 1k =x too painful alr hahahaha THANKS KINKYY! ;D you rock! =) TRACKERS ROCK!

& PUMA rocks! :D the puma cheer is still in my head lah. & poor asshole had to listen to me hum & sing the cheer nonstop :D lol PUMA REALLY ROCKS! ;D we'd haf won the house championship if more j1s took part lah >.< grr!

& we had 2506 class dinner after that :D i was too broke to afford dinner LOL. so i koped president's & marmie's fries :D lol & we played some kuku games lah LOL HELL PAINFUL LAH. PRESIDENT SURE CAN WHACK HARD. lol >.< rarrh! damn fun :D den i had to leave halfway. to meet ass!

so we met at bugis & we went to eat & walkwalk lah :D thanks for the treat! :D lol if not i'd haf starved haha x) and carlton & intercontinental rates are affordable huh >.<>.<>.< AND THE ULU DARK CORNERS @ bugis street. LOL. -faints-

had a great day! :D must keep pushing myself so that i'll run faster :DD

and its not up to you whether people want to blog or not (: some ppl blog frequently, some ppl dont. so what right do you have to criticise people for that :D GET A LIFE lah you :D

let's go somewhere only you & i know.


you're in wanyi's blog!
feel free to read & tag! (:


About Me
♥ wanyi!

1st December 1989
previously from:
looking forward to uni life! (:
& looking for people going to the same course as me!

My Past
Memories <3

  • i realised the happiness that i get now is really ...
  • a lousy day in school! lessons were crappy, but i ...
  • i wished i could tell you how much i love you.but ...
  • So here we standAnchored in hopeLetting the rain w...
  • :DDDDDDD it is a SUPER GREAT DAY today! =D very ti...
  • :D one of the slackest days i can ever haf! =) tut...
  • just trying to tell a few of YOU out there.. you'r...
  • (: i drank 100pass worss :D and i ran PLUS someone...
  • fredaus; 29th aug. i'll remember, dont wry. :D lol...

  • Connections
